
Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by sibannac, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. I seem to have an invasion of fungus gnats :mad: I've tried some organic bug killer, but it's not doing the trick, a couple of days later the bastards are crawling out of the soil. Anyone got any ideas of how to get rid?
  2. neem oil on the soil surface, cover with fine sand to prevent adults laying new eggs in crevases of soil
    Yellow sticky traps are the best color, I suppose you could take anything brite yellow and smear anything real sticky on it , Vaseline, uncured epoxy etc etc (experiment)

    you may also need to temporarilly cover the drain holes with tape IF the holes are accessible from the sides of the pot.
    stop watering for a week or 2 if you can go that long so that the larve dries out and dies
  3. That's great, thanks man. I shall take your advice :)

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