gnat problem just starting 4th week of flower. helpppp

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by guygreenthumbs, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. So I was watering my girls last night and noticed little gnat like bugs flying around by the soil when I moved a pot or watered it. So what shiuld in use to treat this or is it too late into flowr r to use pesticides. Thanks
  2. There are options however keep in mind gnats are more of a nuisance than a real threat. Easy option is to get a pack of yellow hanging sticky traps and hang it above your plants, they will accumulate as they mature. You can also top dress your soil with a layer of sand or perlite or they make stuff like GnatNix that is glass like stuff. That option is to break the life cycles by not allowing them to get out of the soil and mature, keep in mind if you do this to get absolute best results you'll need to close off the drainage holes of your pots by stretching something like a woman's pantyhose around the bottom of the pot. That will let water drain but the young gnats cannot get out. Another option is to use Neem Oil as a foliar, this can be a pricey solution but seems to work well. Not sure about using it in flower at this point tho. Lastly you can use something like AzaMax which will kill them but it's got some chemicals in it so read up on it before use.

    Most importantly is to make sure not to overwater as they thrive in moist environments where they can feast on decaying things that are in the soil. Also good air movement helps keep them at bay.

    Lastly do not overreact as a lot of things that will kill them quickly are not always the best to introduce into your garden and plants. Unless you have a full on infestation and swarms they are like I said more of a nuisance than anything else. Good luck.

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