Here is my case. Global Warming is the unfortunately outdated name of it. The more proper name for it is Global Climate Change. Global Climate Change has been misunderstood mainly because oil companies have funded studies disproving global climate change thesame way tobacco companies funded studies disproving that smoking causes cancer! global climate change does warm up the earth but not in the way you think. For instance, the poles ARE melting. Melting poles ARE making the oceans water less salty. Less salty ocean water= the ceasing of the atlantic current that warms up Europe. So in reality, global climate change will send europe back into the ice ages. If there's anyone who wants to take on my stance, then show me proof to disprove my claims.
You're absolutely right, I have here some statistics to prove beyond a doubt that global warming is a reality. But we are not helpless. There is a way to curb global warming if we all do our part:
Send in the Ninjas! They WILL kill the pirates.... BTW Global climate change is going to F*K us up in the coming future years.
yea i know, the name is very misleading since it seems that things are getting colder i keep hearing ppl talk about "how could global warming be real if its getting colder" and i wanna just explain to them that the icecaps are melting which is changing the current of the ocean which is therefore causing the climate change in a negative manner, but i figure that that'll take so long that they will just stop listening, or they'll just discredit it b/c its hard to understand(especially without a longer paragraph or diagrams.) eh, fuck the dumb population or the sheeple anyway fuck glen beck(who actually said the quote above)
The earth goes through climate cycles . . . we were just in a warm period and now we are entering a cold person for ~20-30 years... eventually theyll be another ice age. its all cycles. u listen to a man to have claimed to have invent the internet
If you use a glass of water as an analogy: When you start out, the water is something like 70 degrees. The ice is 30 degrees. A given amount of time later, the water is 50 degrees, the ice is still 30, but there is a lot less ice. As soon as the ice is gone, the temperature of the water will go back up, and much more rapidly than it went down. The oceans are the water. The polar ice caps are the ice. We are in that period where the water is getting cooler because the ice is melting. The oceans are the major driver of weather, thus the weather is getting cooler. Once all the ice is gone, the whole place is going to heat up much faster than the minor cooling trends we are seeing presently. You have to ignore a lot of graphic, visible, doesn't-take-a-scientist-to-understand, evidence to say that ice is not melting around the globe. And not just the polar ice caps, glaciers on every continent, glaciers that were thousands of years old, glaciers that nobody ever thought would melt in our life time. And the point that SirElliott is trying to make is exactly the problem with the global warming debate. It has been politicized. "So the UN and some emails and blah blah blah. So just because some scientists said that they don't understand part of what's going on and it doesn't fit their previous models, the whole thing must be rubbish drummed up the Democrats to blah blah blah. So I'll just ignore the volumes of other data that is out there and blah blah blah. LIBURUL CONSPIRACY, blah blah blah..." You have to be willingly ignorant to look at the data that is there and choose to believe a minority of global warming denying scientists that get their funding from oil companies instead of the melting glaciers that you can see with your own eyes... if you choose to.
They had a world global climate summit in Copenhagen, and now every financially major country in the world is spending millions of not billions to reduce carbon emissions. Of course, those world leaders should have come here to grass city, because here we HAVE people who KNOW what they are talking about! Of course global warming is false, too bad the worlds leaders don't do their research unlike some of US! Seriously people, time to stop being ignorant.
Minority of scientists? More Than 15,000 Scientists Protest Kyoto Accord; Speak Out Against Global Warming Myth by Douglas Houts -- Capitalism Magazine 15,000 in 1997 [ame=]YouTube - ** Al Gore Sued for Global Warming Lies by 30,000 scientists and Weather Channel Founder!!! **[/ame] 30,000 as of 2008 Sure the earth is warming but to claim that we are impacting to such a degree that is claimed is simply egotism. Subterrestrial volcanoes release exponentially more damaging gases that all the emission based machinery that we could ever have. Most of these people show data represented in 1,000's of years which is literally a couple days on the geologic calendar. If there was empirical data showing that we are outside of the normal cyclical routine of earth's warming/cooling trends that represent millions of years plus show that such gases are indeed as damaging as they claim, it won't be taken seriously by real scientists. Most of the so called scientists that made up the IPCC don't even specialize in the appropriate fields of science to even come to a logical hypothesis. A Major Deception on Global Warming Al Gore and the Global warming LIE | Gather
I don't think anyone can deny global climate change. But who gives a fuck? The factors causing it can't be prevented by humans. The earth goes through different trends, we just have to adapt to it
Hey i believe in global warming. fucking 40 something degrees in massachusetts right now and raining.
For me it's not important which side is right. I don't think anyone can deny that the melting of our polar ice caps and glaciers is happening and that is a major change. It's happened before and it will probably happen again. Did man accelerate it? I dunno and I don't care. I think we've got ourselves so mired in this war against the other side that we forget what is really going on. I'm not sure how it happened but the regular average guy/gal is quite complicit as we humans race against time to see just how ugly it can all get. People look for reasons NOT to help because they are lazy or just flat out don't care. That is what breaks my heart. From an American point of view, we've let the media/government/corporate lobbyists and other special interests convince us that it's ok to poison people and the environment. We've let an island of plastic accumulate in the ocean. We've let them contaminate our waters with untreated sewer run off. We've let them bury nuclear waste/dangerous chemicals illegally and really given them nothing more than a slap on the pocket book. We've let them feed us genetically modified food that is now giving cancer to rats. We've allowed them to define the fight which puts us against one another while they skip off to the bank with their huge paychecks. We've also let them label environmentalists as tree huggers and let that have a negative connotation. But we all need someone to hate right? (btw I'm not ignorant of the moronic things some environmentalists do, and understand that they do at times bring the ridicule upon themselves) So now that they have turned all environmentalists into 'tree huggers' and dismissed anything a tree hugger says as white noise from a buncha crazies, they can feel free to go about their casual and criminal manipulation of the truth in order to pump their products into our lives. Meanwhile, they are denying us real alternatives which can't compete against the power of the corporate entity because of their legal goons, and their pocket congressional/senatorial representatives. For that reason I get behind the green movement (well my own definition of it anyway.) My support has nothing to do with partisan politics or the truth behind the theory of global warming/climate change. There are evils on the green side of things too. There are certainly a lot of people making new things that we must buy to prove our greeness only to find out it's a piece of shit we're going to throw away because it's useless. Big business is certainly capitalizing on the green movement with re-branding and little green stickers. There are things we're not being told because it negates they way the green movement presented their arguments (who gives a shit about the truth, it's all about the spin right?) There are surely technologies that in the end aren't going to work out, but it's all part of the process, and if there is even the slightest chance that we can preserve and protect nature it's worth trying. That's my take on it all anyway, sorry for the length Edit: apparently some people do argue about glaciers and the ice caps, photo evidence and the stories of mountain climbers is enough for me but it doesn't really matter, I still stand by my points
But if the melting of the icecaps and glaciers is happening, why did the UN admit there is no scientific evidence of it happening? Science requires verifiable, repeatable, falsifiable criteria. Yet we are in magical-thinking land where anything and everything is consiered 'proof' of global warming. If the modeling is so accurate it should be able to take previously known data, say from 1975, and determine what the weather would have been like in 1980. Yet when such things are attempted, the pseudo-science is unable to even come close. By any legitimate scientific standard, a reasonable person must admit that there is a lack of evidence, and the evidence that is presented is simply not compelling. How many times must the UN retract claims, how many 'landmark' studies must be debunked, how many groups of scientists must destroy raw data and be caught falsifying information before you admit that you're wrong? You place more faith in global warming hysteria than Christians place in God.
hahaha! That is fucking hilarious lol but sadly that's about as realistic as the actual figures like al gores "hockey stick" graph who btw will make billions off the emission control and selling carbon credits. Wake up people!
when the ice caps freeze and float across ocean the refreeze and just deposit in a different location, yes, the weather changes along with demographics, it's believed earth was all connected at one point, then it broke away and slowly moves over thousands of years from tides.