Global Warming is a total sham...

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by budsmokn420, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. That is a very immature statement. I had to look to see you are 32 when the statement says you're 17. ok maybe 18
    everyone knows all Democrats are corrupt and only 20% of Republicans Might be. You've got a better chance of getting an honest politician w/the Republican Party, you've got no chance w/the Democrat party.
    everyone who has ever worked for any period of time knows this and especially Union workers know this.
  2. both parties are corrupt but its well known that the republicans are more so. For one they frequently accept more bribe money from lobbyists than Democrats.
  3. Yup, it's true… you heard it here first, on a marijuana forum…

    All the world's scientists are lying to you, for reasons unknown but presumed malicious.

    Get real, man….

    If you even spend 5 minutes looking into it, "climategate" is one giant quote mine. All the emails presented are taken out of context...

  4. I'm excited for your fervor concerning information and science.

    (WITH RESPECT) Have you learned what you know in an unbiased and scientific environment? Perhaps an academic environment that teaches information that is widely accepted by the scientific community?

    I ask, because I am regularly faced with similar concerns from those who have obtained albeit factual information, from sources that support a view that they had already set out to prove. It's sometimes referred to as a "scope" of information. When one has an idea or a concern, they don't have a hard time finding information to support said idea or concern.

    I would never intentionally attempt to berate, undermine or be antagonistic towards your viewpoint(s), please know this.
  5. Global temperatures as a whole have been rising for years and still are, regardless of whether one part of the worldgets cold. Global warming related to global temperatures, though a lot of people say climate change now so that laymen won't be confused by the actual term. It is no joke. If countries don't react with haste this could be a serious problem for life on Earth.
  6. The issue isn't whether or not the earth is getting warmer, because it is. The question is whether or not its humans causing it.

    We like to feel a little more self important then we are so its no wonder humans would think the natural cycles of the world are caused by us. Jokes on humanity!
  7. the earth is gettin closer to aligning with the equator of the milky way. earth changes are inevitable.

  8. There already are sustainable alternative fuel sources, Energy providers just dont want to make the change because it will cost them money. From an acre of Hemp you can create enough biodiesel to heat your house, fuel your car, cook your food and still have some left over. You can also literally build a house from hemp, using a material called Hempcrete, which is STRONGER then cement and lasts longer, allows water in and out so it wont fall apart or mold, it also TAKES IN carbon throughout its life and HARDENS as it ages, so it has a NEGATIVE carbon footprint, it also doesnt require heat to make so it costs less to make then cement. You can also make biodegradable plastics from hemp, and you can make plastics that last for long periods of time as well (but still break down) and is stronger then plastics we use now a days. So its not that we dont have viable options, corporatism and greed just dont allow sustainable, less profitable ideals to flourish.
  9. You'd have to be an idiot to deny that climate change is occurring

  10. Too bad in the past the earth cooled and heated up over tens of thousands of years, not a few hundred lol, if you dont think humans impact the earth on a massive scale your just oblivious to reality.

  11. The temperatures are perfectly consistent with the level of CO2 humans have emitted. If it isn't humans, who are adding hundreds of thousands of tons to the atmosphere, then who is it? You've got to be retarded to attribute it to anything else.

    If you knew how big the milky way is compared to the Earth, which is within a solar system, you'd laugh at that ridiculous statement as hard as I am.

  12. How high ARE you?

    The earth's position within the galaxy changes on the scale of HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of years… not 50...
  13. i should have rephrased that; the earths axis is lining up with the galactic equator of the milky way.
    and thats why the last time this happened was 3600 years ago. you know pole shifts birds falling from the sky solar flares. shits real.
  14. Then why wasn't there cataclysmic climate change 3,600 years ago?
  15. Anti Science shit.
  16. #97 NORRIN RADD, Dec 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2011
    you can research that there was climate changes 3600 years ago along with researching about planetx nibirus orbit that takes 3600 years and is now close to us and has been photographed and seen. its a sun like planet. also the galactic war and the effect it had on the earth because atomic weaponry was used. honestly youll probably believe none of it but its just some of the stuff i believe is real. God bless.
  17. If Nibiru is real it was destroyed a long ass time ago when it collided with another planet in our solar system, Nibiru had a strange orbit but did not take 3600 years to orbit the sun, it never left our solar system. What your thinking of is the huge asteroid that will pass through our solar system in 2036 and has a 1 in 200, 000th chance of hitting earth.
  18. #99 NORRIN RADD, Dec 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2011
    im not talkin about the asteroid i know nibiru never left our solar system and i think it does take 3600 years to orbit the sun. it was written about in ancient sumerian tablets. im not sayin you have to believe it or accept it, just puttin it out there for people to research and make theyre own conclusion.
  19. Any science in this thread just went out the window with this horseshit tangent.

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