Global Cooling - Mini Ice Age coming to a town near you?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Limecat, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. Is Global Cooling and the coming Mini Ice Age our (humans) fault? I thought humans were heating up Earth, what's cooling her down?

    For most of my day there is a giant fireball in my sky, it hurts to stare at it too long. Do you know what it could be?
  2. No, pollution is stupid.

    But calling CO2 a pollutant is stupiderer.
  3. Exactly. CO2 is a natural gas in our atmosphere. We breath CO2 out and it's nontoxic unless it reaches levels high enough to displace oxygen. Also we humans only produce a small % of the world's total CO2 output. The thought of taxing CO2 and crippling our economy/way of life for almost nothing is ludicrous. The planet has had much higher CO2 levels in the past when the dinosaurs were around. Did all the big bad SUVs cause it?

    The issue isn't that we're all too spoiled and living extravagant lifestyles. The issue is that we've vastly exceeded the planets carrying capacity for our species and religious idiots think that birth control is some kind of sin. Unfortunately I can't think of any 'non-evil' ways that we could get the population under control.
  4. Im sorry, but if we have exceeded our planets carrying capacity, how exactly are we still managing to make the population grow exponentially?
  5. maybe i'll take you seriously when you learn how to spell stupider

  6. Science experiment time!

    Pour yourself a glass of ice water.

    Straight out of the tap, the water is only a few degrees cooler than room temperature.

    You let the glass sit for 20 minutes.

    You check it again and you find that the water in the glass is now 20 degrees cooler than room temperature.

    WTF happened?

    Science and logic and common sense would tell you that after sitting in a 75 degree room for 20 minutes, a 70 degree glass of water should be warmer.


    Is science, logic, and common sense wrong?

    So what's missing from your equation?


    Oh yeah! Your ignoring all the ice that melted.

    Indeed, the WATER has gotten cooler.

    But the aggregate temperature of the entire contents of the glass has gotten warmer.

    This is how, despite the aggregate temperature of the world getting warmer, local temperatures can get be cooler as a result of "global warming".

    Norther Europe, the Pacific Northwest of the United States (just to name a couple) are warmed by tropical ocean water that circulates in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

    But as the ice at extreme northern latitudes melts, it's cooling these warm ocean currents and pushing their northern terminations further south.

    Just like the ice in the glass of water cooled the water as it melted.

    As a result, those regions are going to see cooler temperatures, despite the average temperature of the entire world getting warmer.

    Now back to the glass of water experiment.

    What happens after that last bit of ice in the glass melts?

    The water in the glass warms at an accelerated rate until it reaches the ambient room temperature.

    And what will happen when the last bit of polar ice melts?

    What is "ambient room temperature" of the Earth after the heat sink of the polar ice caps is gone?

    I'm not sure, but I bet it's hot enough to force you to change the way you live.

    Your smug glibness and refusal to even try to understand the science that you'd just prefer mock is not going to stop it from happening.

    I take comfort in that at least. That one day you'll see how wrong you are.
  7. Talk about smug glibness!

    You just provided a possible explanation for an unknown fraction of global cooling, without evidence mind you, yet you're treating it like it's the only explanation for falling temperatures?

    You're clearly biased to believe everything that happens on Earth is caused by man. I wonder why?
  8. thank you Mr Wizard..

    but you can't compare a glass of water with the earth.
  9. A mini ice age would be nice right about now. It gets up to 105-110 here right now.
  10. but... the polar ice caps are like big ol ice cubes

    and like, the ocean is equivalent to a cup of water with some 'to scale' ice cubes obviously.

    its all very scientific and I dont really think I need to go into further detail with you!
  11. Carbon dioxide is bad, mmkay?
  12. You can't really debate with the people who are denial about global climate change. I admit, "global warming" was a bad name to label it, because all the mouth breathers go "OH LOOK ITS GETTING COLDER! YOUR WRONG" These people who are against the facts of climate change will destroy to human race. Its simple as that, and it's sad we had a chance to delay/stop it...but no! "its not getting colder since it was 6 degrees at my house today"

  13. Im sorry, did you try to debate something? Or did you simply ignore the information put in front of you and accept your own as superior? Id love to see a post where you actually tried to offer some information/perspective here OTHER than saying people who don't see it your way are "mouth breathers."

  14. I'd argue that making energy prices skyrocket and limiting choices (it's GE or nothing) with a coming "ice age" might do more to destroy the human race...

    But what do I know, I'm not a politician or lobbyist. It's their opinions that matter.
  15. yeah..

    they should have called it "climate change" or something different from the beginning.. then everyone would have blindly followed along. :rolleyes:

  16. Will higher taxes paid to global bankers prevent the climate from changing?

    Then cut the crap and tell us what its going to cost us to get a uniform 72 degrees globally?


    EU to ban cars from cities by 2050 - Telegraph

    Obama's Plan To Tax Americans For The Number Of Miles That They Drive

    'Among other things, CBO suggested that a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax could be tracked by installing electronic equipment on each car to determine how many miles were driven; payment could take place electronically at filling stations."


    “Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society,
    unless the parents hold a government license.
    All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals,
    the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.”

    – David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club

  17. Yes, it can be "all our (humans) fault" because we are so powerful and all knowing. Its called narcissism, and the world is full of people that will always believe theyre smarter than the person next to them.
  18. Global cooling, or an ice age, comes after global warming.

  19. I see how that works together, but humans had nothing to do with the last ice age and have nothing to do with this one either. Humans are just are not as all powerful as we like to think we are and make others believe for their bank stacks to go higher. Mother nature is too great of a force, the cars and factories of the world have nothing on just a vlocano eruption or all the methane and other gasses being released by the earth every day. If an ice age or global warming is or does happen/ sure as shit will and nothing anyone can do about it.

  20. So I guess since nature already spews greenhouse gasses, it's okay to add to it?

    An eruption may be many times larger than a smoke stack, but a smoke stack is constantly spewing. There are also many times more smoke stacks than active volcanoes, and not all eruptions spew greenhouse gases.

    I think we are doubling if not tripling the output of these gases.

    It's true it happened before us, but that shouldn't be an excuse to help it happen again. That's like a smoker saying, "well, I was gonna quit today, but I had a cigarette yesterday, so it's pointless." It's just an excuse to continue your known harmful behavior.

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