So recently I have been looking to upgrade to a new bong. I currently have an 11-12 in illusion class bong that is just beaker base with a 6 slit percolated downstem and ice catchers. For 35 dollars it was probably one of the best buys I have ever come by, but I am looking to get something a little smoother. My friends and I joke that the best thing about bong is that you will cough up a storm on it of you try to take a bit hit, and guarantees you a good high....but time to get a little bit more fancy. I want some help in the way of all of your thoughts on the glasscity bong and bubbler. GlassCity - The Bubblicious Bong - 7mm - 100% Feminized Seeds - GlassCity - 8-arm Tree Perc Glass Bubbler - SNOB Glass/GlassCity Collab - Coloured and Fumed Bubblers - Bubblers - Colored & Color Changing Glass - Smoking Pipes - I have full confidence that the bubbler would be a great hit experience, I am just fearful of the cleaning on it. It is the bong I am unsure of, can you really get a true quality hit off their new dual downstem thing? It seems kinda gimmicky to me and that you might need more time between percolation for it to be useful. I am very drawn to this bong if it does hit as well as lets say a bong with 4 arm perc lets say, because those can be such a bitch to clean and has 7mm glass. Let me know if you guys think this is a good bong, or if I would be better off just going for something with like a 6 arm perc, and get an ashcatcher to avoid the dreadful cleaning of the arms. Thanks guys !
Personally, I'd go with the bub. It is actually a lot easier to clean than you would think, especially if you do it every couple of weeks to make sure the resin doesn't get a chance to really cake on.
The bong is perfect, and a killer deal for the price. I own it and love it, and its solid as a mother................fucking....................tank. The bubbler while is great, and the price is great. There have been alot of issues with people getting broken bubblers. If this happens, grasscity replaces them immediately for free though. So its up to you The bong is great for huge volume hits, and I love the duel diffuser set up. The bubbler I want really baddly, and its great from what everyone said that didn't have any issues with getting a cracked one.
Thanks for the info, I am wondering though, have you hit off or owned bongs that have more conventional armed percolation or spiral percolation?I am curious as to how the quality of the hit compares to these. If you could give me a little run down to the quality of the hit it would be great! And I am glad you really enjoy your piece, 7mm glass is quite the beast, I might be picking up both of these after I got to KushCon in Anaheim and find nothing there I like.
[quote name='"shbbymosh60"']I would personally go for the bong. But that's just my preference.[/quote] Why is that though? I have you used bongs similar to this one with good results or had bad experiences with similar bubblers? Sorry just looking for some more info on the 2 pieces, bong in particular. I am reallying wondering how good the dual downstem works compared to more convential forms of percolation.
Get the bong. Here I come with some logic, brah. A lot of people have said (and I have seen in the youtube vids) that the bubbler has crooked arms. With a tree perc the craftsmanship of the arms makes a huge difference. Crooked arms won't function correctly, as the air will favor the arms with less resistance and neglect others. Also you can just slap an Alex K showerhead or something similar in a beaker and even pop an AC on that sum'bitch if you want and it will be an epic smoke.
[quote name='"Scalpemnoles"']Get the bong. Here I come with some logic, brah. A lot of people have said (and I have seen in the youtube vids) that the bubbler has crooked arms. With a tree perc the craftsmanship of the arms makes a huge difference. Crooked arms won't function correctly, as the air will favor the arms with less resistance and neglect others. Also you can just slap an Alex K showerhead or something similar in a beaker and even pop an AC on that sum'bitch if you want and it will be an epic smoke.[/quote] This is very very true. The bubbler, which I'm sure works great, is a tree, which personally I feel are outdated. The double downstem thing the bong has going on actually looks like it would diffuse very very well, and even if it didn't, an alex k on there would be a dream. The bong would last you practically forever, and you'd get pretty exceptional hits. I hear it bubbles very very well.
Thanks a lot for that, I had no idea about the craftsman ship in all honesty. That means I will most likely not pick that piece up unless changes are made to it. But I was wondering, how do you think the hit quality is on this bong compared to other bongs where the percolation occurs primary in the neck (armed ones). That is my big deciding factor if I get this bong or another one with lets say a 6 arm perc. And if I were to get the shower head, would that not kinda defeat the purpose of getting the glasscity bong? Unless the perc would fit into the downstem as well. I feel like a lot of what I am paying for on the bong is the dual downstem system. Sorry if I am asking some really basic questions, but I have been vaping more recently, but I am wanting to move back to the bong high.
I;ve owned a weed star double tree perc, WS double bubbler, and an Itza stemless showerhead with a Gridded Circ AC. Whats funny is that they all produced very smooth hits regardless of the amount of money each piece cost or the quality. But the thing with the beaker that I love is that it clears the fastest. when I use mine, I like to just open the entire 29.2 joint a little, and the entire friggen bong clears instantaniously. I find that it does actaully diffuse alot better with both downstems in it.
Thanks, I think now I am pretty set on this bong. This was for more of a community thing, so I think the 7mm will be a big +. I really like how easy my beaker bottom is to clean right now, and I like how I can get pretty good percolation on this bong without dealing with armed percs in the neck that are hard to clean. I will probably try adding one small pre cooler at most if I think it is a little harsh. I really don't like those bongs with another appendage sticking out though, so I keep it small. If I don't find a killer deal this weekend at KushExpo I will be ordering this thing. Thanks for the info as someone who has used many bongs.
So today I bought a new bong from Illusion glass, which in all honesty is my favorite glass working company right now. I will be posting pictures soon, I took some cell phone pictures, but it does not do the bong much justice. I think for the price, this was a much better bong than the Grasscity bubblicious bong. Updates to come soon since I know many of you don't know about Illusion glass (not M illusion, like the one that is carried on grasscity). edit, here are the photos, I ended up not being able to use the other camera, so here are the cell phone pictures. The glass is 7.0mm and the bong has a total height of 17.7 inches I believe. I have not hit it yet, because I don't wanna hit it until I get an ash catcher, or at least find a screen, I must keep ash off those percs at all cost!
Is that supposed to be a tree inside a dome? I'd like to see a milk of that if possible, that's kind of interesting, it looks like it might be a bit draggy. But i'm sure you'll enjoy it when you get to use it, how much did you pay for it?
I manged to get it for 200, which seems like a great price for all the features I get with this, and I am in love with beaker bottoms. Yea I will get some milk stuff up as soon as I grab some screen or ash catcher. I might even try to get my friend's new bong in on the post too. We both went to Kush Expo this weekend and got new toys, you can get some really good prices there when everyone is too lazy to carry all their inventory back to their trucks.