Glass Screens?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by LankySwag, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. Love glass screens. They collect res pretty quick and can clog the bong though. So lately I have one in my bong, and one sitting in some iso. When I need a fresh one I scoop the one out that was soaking in iso, wipe it off and its like new. Then I throw the one I was using back in the iso and a day later its ready to go. Perfect system for a new glass screen everyday, in a sense. :D
  2. The joint size really has no bearing. It depends on what size hole the designer of the slide or bowl wanted it to have.
  3. I putta glass screen and a metal one over it..nothing ever gets threw :p

  4. That's overkill.

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