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Glass pipe questions!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ForeverSnorlax, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. So I've been smoking one or two times a month for about a year, probably a little less.

    I don't want to smoke joints anymore because then I'm just locking paper in my lungs with the weed. Also, my homemade water bong as a really big fail because I was retarded and accidently used a plastic piece :p

    So yesterday, I went to my favorite gas station [Arab gas station, nicest guys ever and never card] and got a glass pipe.

    I'm almost out of weed. I have a little bit left but it's really ground up because I usually smoke joints. Anyway, the one time I smoked from a pipe it was amazing so I want to test mine out.

    ... But, I'm worried about the weed falling through the bottom of the bowl. I tried the idea of putting tobacco at the very bottom, but that pretty much fell through as well.

    Any ideas on what I can do?

    I thought about taking a rolling paper, and laying it over the bottom and poking some holes in it.
  2. put a little pebel in,dont pull as hard,get a screen
  3. buy a screen... but why would you need to worry about the arab guys carding you? anyways, the paper with holes idea won't work the paper will burn. thats not gonna work. get a screen from the gas station or try using some stems at the bottom and let it resin up a bit. it should later be able to hold some weed without having to put anything at the bottom. but the screen will definatly work and if you can't spring for a screen then try the stems...
  4. You don't have any bits of bud that are bigger than the bottom of the bowl? If not, a screen is the way to go. Aluminum foil is also perfectly fine and NO it is not harmful, I can't wait for someone to jump on my nuts and call me out on it.
  5. screen or pebbble
  6. could possibly kinda pack the shake together
  7. Thanks, guys!

    And what do you mean by screen?

    Anyway, for tonight I'll just poke some tiny holes in some foil and use that until I get some nug later this week. [grad money, haha!]
  8. heh, not over 18? :D
  9. idont even know

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