Glass Pipe Question

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by tommyd, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. As I begin smoking more, I realized that joints aren't the best way for me to smoke. Are glass pipes as harsh as a joint? I was looking at Molino Hurricane Spoon - English - this one. Nice colors, small, not sure if I should buy this or a smaller bong. Any comments on any glass pipes will be appreciated.
  2. Buy a small bong or bubbler if your looking for smooth hits.
  3. well i will answer your actual question. yea pipes are smoother then joints. they dont leave the sore feeling in the back of your throat.
  4. So the smoke isn't that hot in a pipe? I just don't want to spend the $30+ and burn my throat everytime.
  5. its not exactly cooler smoke, your just not straight inhaling it and its not mixed with so much oxygen (which is my opinion that it makes it harsher), plus you know your not smoking paper.
  6. Alright thanks, appreciate it :smoke:

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