glass one hitter broke

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by RobertHope, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. :( so i went to take a shower and get a quick lift, took my hit blew it into the fan then went to move my pants before jumping in the shower when my glass one hitter hit the floor and split into 3 pices. I didnt use it much but today i hit it like 5 times and it kept me high all day and i was thinking that i whould start to use it alot more and now its gone:(.

    i dont know why i can drop my spoon on any surface and it wont break and i drop my 1 hitter one time and it splits into 3 pices?? Sorry guys just a rant, i payed 25bucks for the thing it was pretty nice. Now its gone forever.

    Anyone else lose a pice recently?
  2. Yeah a couple weeks ago i had a sick pipe that had blue yellow and turqoise going down that looked like a laying down sherlock. I packed a bowl in it then it fell on the ground off the desk and the bowl shattered and i lost peices. it was sad. Also today my pencil pipe i used for hash broke. It was 3 dollars which is bullshit.
  3. my bowl was dropped :(
    RIP little guy
  4. yes rip markmanns bowl and rest in peace oneie (never did name the poor little guy) rest in peace.
  5. The sound they make when they hit the floor is like a puppy getting hit by a car :( I broke the bowl to my new slider bong before I even got to use it.

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