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glass match vs lighter?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sliturnek, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. well there is obviously a reason why people choose glass matches over lighters but i was just curious what the difference was. i understand why they are used with extract slides but not really with a bowl of fresh greenery! on the subject of ways to burn the plant, what are those devices that resemble a soldering iron?
  2. Those devices are soldering irons
  3. #3 abilities, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2009
    i suggest using the search button. there's a specific name that i can't recall, that's already been explained in another thread, i believe.

    basically you just heat up a glass stick and hold it to your bud. and i think its just more of a natural heat and without butane.. and maybe additionally cause it lights at a lower temperature so it's more similar to just vaporizing your bud, depending on how hot you heat it. if i remember correctly?
  4. A glow rod aka glass wand is heated by a small blow torch for a few minutes until it is red hot. I used to use one all the time, I could really taste the weed and not butane. Then I found this much easier and safer alternative called Beeline. It's hemp twine covered in organic beeswax so it burns clean and serves the same purpose as a soldering iron or glow rod. You don't taste any butane or other crap burning.

  5. hahaha
  6. abilities, i spent 20mins between google and this forum search and couldnt find it many mentioning them but not explaining the differences

    what kind of soldering irons are they? i use 1 every day @ my shop fixing laptop DC jacks and if the tip of any 1 of my irons got cherry red like that i would rip the power out of the wall before shit got set on fire... i have NEVER seen a damn soldering iron get that Fin hot, any special tips as in the end you screw into the iron?

    so far the only differences are taste... might there be health risks with butane over glass match or beeline? come on everyone can jump into a forum and flame someone for using tin foil but when i ask legit questions most are stupid answers
  7. Are you talking about those glowing rod things that you see in Youtube videos of people taking milkshots and stuff. I've seen those before, they aren't just a glass rod that is heated up , its looks more like a ceramic or metal or something but its not the usual soldering iron either because it gets really bright and hot really quick. There was a thread about them on here awhile back but I can't remember the name of them. It looked kinda like a soldering iron but the point was a cylinder about 2-3 inches long and would heat up in like 2 seconds.
  8. I believe the soldering irons you see here have had the metal covering taken off leaving the ceramic heating element exposed. Ceramic, like glass, when heated at high temperatures gives off no toxic fumes which makes it safe to use for this purpose.
  9. #9 sliturnek, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2009
    thanks berry & jerseydevil, im gunna take one of the soldering irons apart tomorrow and see if i can use it for this purpose. if it works out well i will post back so for next time there is some 'searchable' lit on the subjet

    Hakko DASH 454 Iron
    AHPDirect - Detail
  10. Wow, not gonna be the first one to click that...

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