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Glass Blunt is Hitting Harsh?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by jbake, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. I've heard some good things about these glass blunts, saw some at a lhs so I picked one up. First of all, it consumes much more than I anticipated lol so I wish I would have picked a smaller diameter because I don't fill nearly half. But the main problem is how harsh it hits.
    Are you supposed to keep the cherry outside or in the glass to avoid it falling off? Has anyone tried refrigerating it or pulling the stem all the way out to make a longer chamber? Is yours as harsh as mine?
  2. Mine hits smoother than most dry pipes I've smoked from. Yes it does take quite a bit of bud which is why it's my party bowl. You keep the cherry right inside the glass and make sure to ash it constantly. And I usually pull the slide back slightly at the beginning of each hit after ashing it because this seems to allow for better airflow and harder hits, but the two times I've pulled the slide all the way back when it wasn't full the bud was sucked all the way to the back so it pretty much ruined the point.

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