Glass Blowing Progression Thread Daflyincow

Discussion in 'General' started by daflyincow, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Tomorrow is my first class at Newtonian Glass in Berkeley, Ca. I am so excited! I will be posting all my progress here and in the future I will be taking custom orders if anybody is interested in my glass. Please subscribe to this tread and let me know how im doing. Thanks! 

  2. subbed bro. i have a very strong interest in glass blowing myself. if you can, get the books contemporary lampworking volume 1 and 2 by bandhu dunham. loads of useful info. 
  3. Day 1: vortex marble (attempt) and vortex pendant
    I will get a better view of the marble, it looks alot better on the sides. Also didn't smooth the bump, on the bottom, out on the pendant, but its only my first one.      Sublime loop.
  4. day 2: Made my first implosion marble(flower) but its still in the kiln, heres another pendant i made last night too. little crack =(
  5. havnt posted in a while but ive been going to the shop a few times a week. heres my first implosion marble, a flower. 
  6. #7 daflyincow, Jun 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2013
    2nd implosion marble before kiln. Front.
    Back. Pinwheel attempt
  7. I dig the color on this one.
  8. marble out of the kiln[​IMG]
  9. first pipe
    Second pipe made today
    Also tried some sculpting, yellow tooth dabber (the whole tooth is yellow but its red bcz its just out of the flame)
  10. Subbed ill be starting asap

    Colorado love!

  11. Awesome man! you should mail me out a piece  :ey: .... :smoke:
  12. haha when i get better i will be doin custom orders but thanks homie!
  13. hell yeah man! make a progression thread and send it to me!
  14. When i can start i will:)

    Colorado love!

  15. I have been glass blowing more and more. total time on the torch i would saw is about 2-3 weeks, ive been going throughout the last 2 months.  here is some more progression, forgot to upload before  and some were made before others. i just learned donuts, fuming honeycomb, and spiral implosions. 
    scorpion pipe attempt
  16. first dishes 7/10
    honeycomb attempt 1 
    spiral implosion 
    first donut
    2nd spiral implossion
    color inside doesnt like to be encased so it checked on me..
    first fumed honeycomb attempt
  17. 710/OIL Dish and dabber set made on 7/10
  18. A lot of cool stuff in here, quick question. With the implosion marbles you have done like the flowers and stuff, can those same designs be made into the little bumps that some pipes have? Like I think it would be so cool for a pipe to have one of those bump or marble things with the flower implosion you made.

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