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Glass and plastic help please

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bobby82, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Would a glass airtight container contain the smell better than a plastic airtight container? I have a plastic airtight container but u can still get a whiff of the danks when u enter the room
  2. Mason jars are the way to go, they're basically smell proof.
  3. ^This. Mason Jars are the way to go.
  4. Obvious post, use mason jars are the best, but if you can't hide a fat jar then what? I say you find a nice mint container like "altoids" or some shit and put your weed in a ziplock baggy and in the mint case. Remember to empty out mint can and wipe it clean don't want your weed to smell like mint. EH?

  5. Don't do that, I did that once, and the weed quickly overpowered the smell of the container, just get a small glass jar, you can a baby food jar, as they are quite small, or maybe a smuckers jar. Glass jars vary in size and are really the best at concealing the smell of weed.
  6. Thanks guys im at bed bath and beyond (if u guys know what that is) and lookin for a mason jar
  7. any air tight jar will work not only mason or Kerr those are canning jars and cheap. Any jar with a screw on lid(or clip) if the screw cap has a waxed carboard inner then it will seal smooth side towards weed.. Clip on rubber o-ring. 10 years using same jars have fun :hello:
  8. word. Mason jars are the best containers

  9. Just dont go into that Beyond section, even if you are looking for coffee mugs.

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