Glad I'm an atheist.

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by tea and toast, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Presented without comment:
    [ame=]YouTube - Re: Disasters=God's wrath?[/ame]
  2. She is pretty cute, but I don't agree with anything she stated...

    First off one word, HAARP..... Nuff said.

    America is the most sick and twisted and "sinning" country yet nothing terrible happens to us (natural diaster wise/anything wise) this bitch has it twisted... fucking Christ Warriors man... So ignorant.
  3. If that's true, California's fucked.
  4. lol what a fucking psychotic mindset.

    the debil and demons!!!

  5. I really hope you don't actually think that every Christian, let alone theist, believes this.
  6. i wouldnt mind putting my penis in her vagina (if ya know what i mean . . .)
  7. fuck the Christ out of her
  8. So as an atheist, do you fear death?
  9. I wonder where her ""knowledge" comes from...

  10. According to "The Bible Code" a book I read in jail, part of California will break off into the ocean in 2011, I think Los Angelos.

    Anyway it's not God's wrath that causes natural disasters, it does have to do with people though.

  11. made me think of this song lol

    [ame=]YouTube - Type O Negative - Christian Woman[/ame]

  12. Yes; why do you want to know?
  13. IDK she sound like a troll baiter to me
  14. Yeah, plus she's too sexy to be that stupid... imo
  15. Obviously you guys have never lived in the south. Watch her other (even worse) videos.

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