GLAD i got caught and explained to my MOM why i WONT quit.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by mrtrippy, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. I got caught- again.
    I got caught back in November, and said I would never do it again. Lol.
    Well obviously that was a lie. :rolleyes: :D
    I was just trying to take the easy route, I didn't feel like putting up a fight then because I figured there was no use.
    But now i'm more confident in why I smoke and why I won't stop and I was eager to tell my mother I smoke and why, and that she's just going to have to deal with it.
    So I got caught shortly after wanting to do that, so I wasn't even mad at all that I got caught.
    It was the perfect time to tell her why I smoked and why i wasn't going to stop :smoke:
    I explained how, smoking is as simple as having a glass of wine at dinner.
    How it is healthier than drinking and smoking cigarettes, which I do neither.
    And how I use it for a relaxing spiritual experience to get to know myself and realize things with a better perspective; and explained how it has made me a better person!
    She never smoked so she doesn't understand. I really wish she would.
    Anyways, after sending her a long email explaining why i smoke and why i won't stop; I came home from school one day and asked her if she got my email. She replied yes with a smile on her face and said we would talk about it later and went on about some show on tv.
    :confused_2: :yay: :hello:
    I think everyone should start admitting to their parents that they smoke and why they won't stop. Unless they would beat you or kick you out.
    But i've been more happy than I ever have been while smoking.
    It's like a HUUUGE weight lifted off my shoulder.
    I'm so glad I got caught.
    And she still hasn't brought it up til this day :smoke:
    Happy Toking! :bongin:
  2. Congrats man! Enjoy!
  3. That's awesome dude. Really happy for you! Wish i had the courage to do that
  4. Awesome that it worked for you I feel like if I told my mom she would kill me. Well im at college and she would be like what the hell is wrong with you
  5. basically the same exact thing has happened to me lol. Got caught, promised to stop, mom finds weed bag, I admit it's mine, mom starts telling me it kills brain cells, etc, I tell her thats all propaganda and how that study is wrong, she tells me weed is bad, i ask how, and she says "i dont like that you do it but I can't stop you now (cause of age I'm guessing). Then i found out that my dad also smoked when my mom said to me "i had dad smell the bag" "he said it was pretty potent stuff" I just laughed. haha.

    it's so nice when parents finally accept the use of weed. :smoke:
  6. yeah my dads and idiot that wouldn't work, i bought melatonin, and he told me 'don't get addicted'
  7. my dads the same way, brainwashed by media lol.

    and your signature hella made me laugh :smoke:

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