If it's your band then you should definitely put a lot of thought into it : ) don't let someone else put a name to what you are. the name is, yes, a very hard to think of, but chill out, smoke a bowl and it will come to you : ) Why dont you give US some ideas and maybe we can play with it! little more info about your music would help too. .am i puttin too much thought into this?
Skunk Pussy Butt Piss Cockhead Faggotbreath Shart Funnel Well I'm fresh out of ideas. Good luck to you.
- The blue chill pill - Smooth Shrooms - The mind bomb - Subconsius Beats - Clouds of Hemp - Purple Reality My personal favorite is defently the Smooth Shrooms. But again, as a user said before, just choose your own name man. Roast a bowl, watch your mind, let the thoughts flow, and let the creativity come to you. I speak from experience
im in a similar band with my friends, i named us after our local headshop i wont tell you the name cuz i dont want you to steal it! but use that duude
most of the local head shops are named after grateful dead songs... they tend to have "interesting" names.
Poffee Topcorn, Cramberry, Chilloctopus, Funkamnesia, Radio 420, Roasted Peanuts. Faded Spontasia.. idk,