Don't know if this should have gone in General or Real Life, but I figured Real Life since it applies to my life. I'm going to be a dad later this year and want to be entertained with girl and boy names that y'all like. And I mean real names that you guys would name your own kid, nothing ridiculous obviously. But if you have something creative and funny and think I might get a laugh go for it! Oh, and no overly common names like John or Jennifer please. No offense to any of y'all out there! First and middle, here we go...
Not going to give you a laugh, but I have always thought that giving girls names generally given to boys is cool. Not to mention, the majority of the chicks I have met that have more masculine names are pretty chill. You want to have a cool baby girl? Name her after a boy.
lol, name her "Craig" I like: Avery, Caroline, Emma, Madelyn, Brooklyn, Madison, Elizabeth, Mackenzie, Bailey/Riley, Alexandria. Those are names I'd consider if I ever had a girl, but I really dunno man. I'd be up for discussion. If it was a boy I'd go with Jacob or Ryan or something. Congrats and good luck.
Thanks guys, just not sure if I'm a real fan of ambiguous names since I think they are too masculine for females and too feminine for males. Names like: Casey, Tracy, and Terry. Can't think of any others off the top of my head, but those names I generally dislike.
Hahaha, I think those are Taryns. I feel like if I have a girl she's going to be so hot. It will be a punishment for all those horny teenage and college years of mine. Hahaha or Magic or Michael Jordan. You know, Michael Jordan could totally be a first and middle name, like George Michael on Arrested Development (that show was so fucking awesome).
[quote name='"FirstTimer4"'] Hahaha, I think those are Taryns. I feel like if I have a girl she's going to be so hot. It will be a punishment for all those horny teenage and college years of mine. Hahaha or Magic or Michael Jordan. You know, Michael Jordan could totally be a first and middle name, like George Michael on Arrested Development (that show was so fucking awesome).[/quote] My ex's name is spelled Taran, and my friends ex's name is spelled Taryn. It's a joke between him and I, I just had to say it And I can't imagine having a daughter, I feel like I'd want to beat every guys ass that would just look at her
Girl: laquisha lastoya kentuckyfriedchckenisha watermelonadrea bonquisha kooladria barackisha obamaniqua spongebobeesha kingkongquisha or sarah.
This is the exact reason I want a son. But obviously there's nothing I can do to change it and will welcome a baby girl with open arms. But this eats me up because I'm already thinking like this and it's only been 13-15 weeks!
If you have a son name him after yourself, that's what my Dad did, and I liked it so much I did the same thing....just don't make up some "cool sounding" name that the kid will have to spell out every time someone asks his back through your family and find a name that has some meaning...
You have got me thinking about names i'd like for my future little ones, I'm quite puzzled now! Damn you ahah. After reviewing it realized finding a quality name for one's child is a pretty important decision.
These are just my personal favorites: Girls- Madalyn, Skye, Isabela, Aubri, Summer Boys- Kevin, Alexander, Casey, Zane, Evan, Julian