What do u guys think ?? Ive seen some sexy girls working in Mikky Ds. Some pretty ones. Ones with fat asses. Others with nice tits and gorgeous bodies. And i ask myself. "WTF are u doing here working at Mcdonalds???". I would assume a girl like u should have a sugar daddy of some sort. Then i order my meal and walk away. Girls at mcdonalds. <3<3 Dont have much going for them LOL Naw but seriously. What goes through ur mind when u see a sexy girl working at McDonalds?
If they're my age or younger i figure they're a college student. i'm not 100% sure of the details but i have heard that Micky D's does provide aid for it's student workers.
What do I think when I see a sexy girl working at McDonalds? - Hey you, those fries better be hot, and don't forget my chocolate shake.
I went into a McD's with my 15 year old daughter. This chick behind the counter says to her..."Do you call him daddy? I would!" WTF?......I went back later but her shift had ended.............
Most are in college and working there part time for cash. Simple answer. The career mcdonald's workers are the ones who are usually gross.
Ive seen some sexy Managers at Micky D's. But yea most of the "long Term" employees usually are gross lol
i worked at one for a while. my manager had to tell one customer to stop coming to our store because he kept trying to get my number and would try to talk to me in between customers. it was sad tho because he was hott but a total creep ha. you meet alot of cool/interesting/creeps working in fast food. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Think of it this way. They make like 8 dollars an hour. You could probably be their sugar daddy for 20 dollars an hour.
[quote name="Macka B" post="19398905" timestamp="1390587889"]Think of it this way. They make like 8 dollars an hour. You could probably be their sugar daddy for 20 dollars an hour.[/quote]Can I make it 10 dollar an hour ?
I see the same thing.some times it's a pretty face.but a Mcbody. I just think of greasy crevices....would still fuck Sent from my Prism II using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I think about how she is probably really easy to fuck..... examine how horny I am at the time, and go from there.
[quote name="lazytoker" post="19399034" timestamp="1390589436"]I think about how she is probably really easy to fuck..... examine how horny I am at the time, and go from there.[/quote]OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE !!!!!!Lol
i use too work at one most of the girl's were 6 but i dont judge by appearance so i had some quickys in the freezer..
Fuck mcdonalds. You find the hot and slutty ones at applebees. You just have to work with them to gain the EASY access Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Anyone notice the girls that frequent Michael's Arts & Crafts??Sent from my SGH-M919 using Grasscity Forum mobile app