girls that "accidently" bump into you

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by procommunism, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. when your at a party and a girl accidently bumps into you/ brushes against your arm or side as they walk by multiple times in a night is that a sign they like you? cuz i mean its one thing to accidently bump into somebody, but the same chicks keep doing it over and over.
  2. It's because girls who are 18-21/22 usually have subtle ways of letting you know that you should put initiative into them.

    Older women will just walk up to you and have a conversation.

    I just laugh when girls are that insecure. Like, damn, you're going to have to work harder than that for my attention.
  3. Before I say this, I would like to just remind you that no piece of advice can ever apply to all the girls. But I know I'm not a big physical touch person so I would do that type of thing to signal that I like a guy, considering I usually avoid physical touch like the plague. She could have just been a bit to shy to make the approach to come up and talk to you. But on a side note, are you sure the room just wasn't really crowded? ;P
  4. Wait until they start dropping roofies in your vodka.

    Maybe I know the wrong sort of women.
  5. Any cute girl that bumps into me is subject to conversation and frisking.
  6. They're gonna have to work a little harder than that for my attention.

  7. you said that yesterday.

  8. Oops. You're right.

  9. lolol! at least he's honest.
  10. probably. unless shes me.. lol
  11. perhaps she's mentally retarded
  12. what the fuck, is it my imagination or were you banned for like, 6 months or something?
  13. girls are confusing..
  14. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  15. fuck bitches get money
  16. At a party, yea.

    Girls hate feeling like sluts so they do stupid signs like that. I vouch this is 100% true cuz it happened to my cuzin last nite and he ended up fucking her. It's the drunk girl version of saying "i wanna fuck."
  17. They're drunk. All drunk girls want to have sex. Shit, drunk people in general want to get it on. Can't compare it to a sober girl in a different environment.

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