A little while ago I made a comment about making a girls of grass city calendar and I'm STILL getting likes from it. Is this something everyone would actually be interested in? My first worry is, it's a fucking calendar. Who in the hell uses paper calendars anymore? Sure it'll have pics of grass city girls in it, but would anyone actually want to buy/use it? Second worry I have is, would grass city even let me do this? I suppose we could sell them through the store, but I'm not looking to make any sort of profit off this idea (although if there WAS a profit I wouldn't turn it down.) Finally, how many bladeies on here would want to be in the calendar? We're going to need 12 of you so who's in? Alright blades and bladeies start sounding off! If there's enough interest in this then I'll get started right away!
Let's get through the girl version first, and I'll need to call no-homo before looking at any of your pics.
My wife is actually in that business. She makes calendars for many different companies and civic orgs. If you would like to speak to her PM me and I'll email you her info. She said she would gladly help out!
Any girls that you need for the Calender look in the Horny Thread. Im sure any of them will would look great on a calendar and would probably do it.
[quote name='"Jamaican Hotbox"']I got some nice man boobs. Can I be part of this?[/quote] I spit coffee outta my nose on that one!!!
[quote name='"Demiurge"']Are there even twelve 10s on here?[/quote] Well counting me you only need 11 more
i could actually use a calender. i would buy one i suppose! go into the lifestyle thread and ask the bladies there. that seems to be where they're all at. go ahead and make them yourself ill buy one fo sho!
I don't want to see random Internet stoner chicks.. Put pictures of dank ass bud on every page instead and I'll buy one