So ladies do you like a little facial hair on a man? I have a neatly trimmed thin beard and im wondering on what the ladies of grass city have to say.
I want to grow a Ryan Dunn beard, I couldn't care less about any bitches opinion because it is going to happen.
They say they don't. Yet they say they want a man. They say that they hate "metro" guys aka any guy that showers daily and practices daily hygiene, but they hate beards. But they want men. Make up your mind inferior humans.
i love beards. ryan dunn was a babe. that in between phase of scruff and a full on beard is my favorite though.
Ive got mine growing out. I trim every few weeks so i dont look like a homeless guy. my girl digs it.
[quote name='"Blaze"']I want to grow a Ryan Dunn beard, I couldn't care less about any bitches opinion because it is going to happen. [/quote] ^ and that is what turns them on the most, the fact you don't give a fck. Right on bro.