Let me rephrase. People in general, when dealing with the opposite sex during what scientists would refer to as 'courtship' are fucked up. So I made this girl dinner, it was nice, then she springs this on me..."I've got to leave early - it's my friend's birthday and I told her I'd go out with her." Okay....that's fine...I understand. She texted me later and talked about how she had a really good time and couldn't wait to see me again. I text her tonight - "Hey, what's going on? We should do something." "I'm going out, since it's still technically Sara's birthday, and I promised her I'd go out with her." Oh, well are you coming to Sam's tomorrow night? I'm going to be there and it will be fun! "Well, I don't know. I'm not sure if I should go out three nights in a row." I tell her fine, I'm going to bed, have fun. Man am I sad.
Sometimes you get rejected. Its best to just get over it...life goes on. I'm not saying you don't have reason to be sad, just that you gotta get over it sometime so the sooner the better. Cheer up. This ones for you
sorry bout the news foniac. Hope it all works out cuz i can tell you tried to do something special for this girl and she acts like its nothing. Smoke some bowls and calm down my duke. If i could i would pass you my vape whip and get you blown. stay up doggy
Ill dedicate a hit to your loss.. And a hit to my loss.. This girl who i have been talking to for a week decided to tell me she has a boyfriend.. Way to lead me on betch
This shot of beam is for you! Fuck women. I know you're probably in a stage of your life where you're either trying to get some booty, or get in a relationship or something. I think you'll get there, you just gotta realize you dont gotta be cooking dinner for every woman you meet or anything. Sounds like a lot of effort, that apparently, SOME of them obviously can't appreciate. Of course, I can't cook, so I can't talk really. I'm personally not even in a mindset to be thinking about women for years down the road, but meh.. thats just me. Better luck next time, bro.
well dude I'm kinda on the fence about this seeing as I am a female (last time I checked). On one side, it very well could be rejection. and on the other( becasue ive been there) she very well could just be busy and not want to go out that night, trust me its possible, many times theres friends that Id love to hang out with but Ive got other stuff to take care if as well. use your judgement though, it's really up to you.
yeah i know a lot of CRAZY girls, but it really sounds like this girl isn't down with you. and there's too many dope ass mamas in the world to let one make you sad.
girls are bitches and horrs this girl wanted me to make brownies for her i said ok so i start making the butter the butters finished let it cool off then i strain it into a plastic bag the butter is still hot as a motherfucker and melted straight through the bag onto my foot shit was blistered. i told her what happened and that it was expenisive wee i wasnt going to charge her but she keeps on bugging me about brownies so i sya to myself fuck this girl. and i say where the hell do you think im getting this money i already wasted 90 on you i wasnt going to charge you, your calling me a liar, and your still pulling this shit. what ever she didnt believe me that i burned my foot but fuck them hoes wish i was on a island with no girls just my computer girls they keep me happy. Refrain from calling all women (girls in your case) "bitches and horrs". If you want to disrespect women, go elsewhere with it. *RMJL
Yea, fuck MOST of them, there are those awesome girls out there.......the ones that are just PERFECT.....well, mostly anyways. The ones that don't fuck you over, dont dominate you (aka make you "whipped") and the ones that actually use their own money lol Although they're rare, just keep calm, you'll find yours I almost gave up on relationships completely, then i found my lady......then i started getting jocked on by every girl i ever liked.....ha, weird huh? Just keep on keepin on, man, you'll find "the one" and be happy.......dont trip, there plenty of fish in the sea
Sounds almost like me. I was talkin to this chick for like a month and we went on a date and we both had a blast and then I drove an hour to where she lives to visit her and that was a blast too. Then after I got back home from visiting her she said she didn't want anything but to be single. I was like YOU DIRTY BITCH
probably what happened is the guy she REALLY was wanting decided to give her the attention she wants from him. Sounds like your getting put on the backburner. Dont let a womans opinion of you change your mood, they are capricious creatures....
Don't chase her ass dude, if you do this will ALL go downhill, find you some other girls to chill with, put HER on the backburner, and she'll eventually crawl back to you, TRUST ME IT WORKS.
dont be hard on your-self dude, be like me and chill on it,,, im single as they come, but im not making no plans to find a lady friend,,, one will come your way out of the blue... i think the female craves the relationship more than the guy does. focus on something else than '' i got to find a girl'' ........... the world is full of women,,, but most of them are out for what they can get,,, not ''who'' they can get..... be very selective,,, if this chick wasnt down with you... oh well...... dont waste your time on her no more...
What? She asked permission to leave early and Foniac said it was all right. She never made any promises about when she would be free to see him again, and it's completely understandable that she would be tired after two nights out. I really don't see what she did wrong. If it was a problem for her to leave early to be with her friend, Foniac should have said so.
Well...you see..alot of women lie to guys..but your honest so it can be hard to understand..girls these days