Girlfriend Has HPV

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by HeadySpaghetti, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Just found out my girlfriend has the human papaloma? virus.

    What exactly does this mean.
  2. It means you shouldn't have been a fool and wrapped your tool.
  3. How about a more useful comment?

  4. Did you give it to her or did she have it before?

    If you gave it to her or she never had it before and you've been fooling around;

    Congrats, you're a certified douche bag and no one deserve to help you.

    If you were faithful/ never had anything before, than question her sexual habits and what not. Though you can contract it through other sources, you need to straight up talk to her and let all the secrets out on if anyone cheated or had any previous conditions. A little research shows that there is no cure and can be spread, but it "allegedly" goes away, but probably remains in your blood dormant.

    I also hope you have been wrapping it up all this time so you would have nothing to worry about.

    Best answer I have m8.
  5. Ive only had sex with one other person before, and it was with a condom, but she had papsmear and that came up, so she contracted it randomly i suppose. We usually never use a condom, so is there a possibility I may have it as well?
  6. I would go see your doctor as soon as possible for testing. If you don't already have HPV, you can get a vaccination to prevent it. (Gardisil) The shot hurts, but it's worth it. It can prevent most types of HPV.

    HPV can cause cancer, so it is important to get regular screenings if you do test positive. This can be included in a yearly check-up. Any visible warts can be removed. It does hurt, I won't lie. I've had them removed on my hands. The upside is that they heal in a few days and you're good to go.

    90% of infections clear up within 2 years, so it's very possible that for hers to clear up. If she didn't have warts and it just showed on her yearly testing, it's very likely that it will go away on it's own.

  7. Possibly, as stated, get it checked.

    I'm sorry, but its kind of doubtful that your lady got it randomly....she's probably been unfaithful or had it before with a previous partner...

    You have to pretty much confront her about it. What could have happened is she contracted it from her previous relationship, never knew about it and slept with you and whatnot, like how most STDs are spread.

  8. She most definitely would not cheat on me, can it pop up randomly though? I just had bloodwork done the other week, would it have shown up on there?
  9. HPV - What is the HPV Virus? is usually a respectable place to start your research instead of relying on Wikipedia.

    I understand how you feel, believe me, but you have to talk to her about the possibility that maybe it was just a one time mistake or she got it from a previous partner. As for the blood work it should, but nonetheless get tested man. The disease is an STD, you cannot get it randomly because it isn't an airborne pathogen or anything of the sort.

    Talk to your doctor and see what he says about the situation, but just be prepared to face reality about whatever happens and I'm sorry man that this had to happen. STDs aren't a joke and the noncurable ones suck the most... Good luck mate.

  10. So either she has had it before she was with me, or she did it with some other guy?

    Is that the only two options?
  11. Yeah m8, we can sit and discuss possibilites, but you got to talk to her now and find out now. It your health and some feeling like love for her or trusting her isn't going to make it better. Don't be afraid to hurt her or anything, this is your life. I suggest get off now and talk to her straight up. Google information and whatnot and look at pamphlets.

    There really isn't any other way I can think of that she could've contracted it other than sex (Or maybe sharing needles) but nothing random like a toilet seat or just brush contact with someone.
  12. #12 Discord, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    HPV is the most common STD. HPV is so common that it really wouldn't be that surprising if you already had it! So it doesn't do anything unless you get a rare form of it which will grow some cauliflower looking things on your privates. It is also expected that it may increase chances to get cervical cancer for women.

    Basically its the most common and least harmful STD. Once you get the disease you'll be carrying it around and its not exactly awesome having because its concerning to people and for women it may increase chances for cancer. Using a condom will help but wont prevent HPV because it can be living in the general area.

    Last I heard there wasn't a cure but they had some new vaccines that supposedly prevent some strands of HPV so you might want to look into that.

    edit: Also if you've already had plenty of sex with her and she just contracted the virus then its pretty clear that you have it to. You don't get STDs from other places besides sex or unsterilized needles. You wont get an STD sitting on a toilet seat or anything like that (its an excuse to hide the truth--sex) unless your private parts sit in something very liquid and obviously disgusting.
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  13. Don't get your panties in a bunch. MANY women will have HPV at least once in their life. It's very common and men rarely have symptoms. They're just carriers, that's why it's so rapidly spread.

    It's proper name is human papillomavirus. There are so many different types, some can cause genital warts or cancer.

    Most of the time it will cure itself within 2 years, without ever causing symptoms in the girl.

    You can prevent it by getting a shot. For men it's one shot and for women it's a series of 3.

    You're not endanger, but make sure she gets pap smears regularly because some types cause abnormal cells on the cervix which could turn into cancer.

    Also, condoms don't fully protect you from getting this virus. :wave:

    Hope it helped, also, don't get mad at her. Chances are she had no idea she had it and it doesn't mean she's a slut. My best friend got it when she was 16, slept with one guy and her pap smear came up irregular. The virus cleared up on it's own.

  14. It does go away on it's own. Second of all, you can contract and std and it won't show up on a test for years sometimes.

    So, don't always assume unfaithfulness. Read up on your STD's, m8.

    You can get this through any form of sex. Oral, anal and vaginal.
  15. You can have HPV from birth, that is why its not acceptable in court as an indicator of childhood sexual abuse.

    Transmission of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV) between Parents and Infant: a Prospective Study of HPV in Families in Finland -- Rintala et al. 43 (1): 376 -- Journal of Clinical Microbiology

  16. like GirlyS was saying a condom doesnt always protect you from HPV its not like other stds.

    you can contract HPV jus from skin contactt in the lower regions.

    and about 1 in every 2 sexually active people will contract a type of this sometime in there liftime an probally never know about it
  17. I did, and if you read, I said it could have been with a previous partner. AND they say after 2 years it is UNDETECTABLE, that doesn't mean it just "goes away". Also, condoms at least provide some sort of protection when it comes to STDs, such as HPV, it isn't 100% full proof in any respect, but it does provide protection though limited.

    As for the since birth thing, well unless this is her first pap smear (Unsure as OP did not provide additional details), than that could be it, though I honestly would have to research more on that.

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