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Girlfriend asking If i do drugs

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SwiperNoSniping, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I just got a text from my girl asking if i do drugs. Should i come clean or deny it? Any advice?!
  2. i my self am a honest person so i said yea when i was asked, i just said "yea i occisianlly do it" its up to you know, lies can sometimes come back to hurt you but then again they dont always need to know what you do :p
  3. Say "I smoke weed on occasion hbu?" or just be like yea I'm high right now wanna come over?
  4. I told her on Occasion! lets see what happens xD
  5. Dude. tell her. she will be sooo pissed if she finds out on her own
  6. tell her you're in love with another girl.... named mary jane
  7. Yeah tell her, honesty is important in any relationship you wanna keep strong. My ex was a huge anti pot person, she about ripped my head off when I told her I still smoked weed, didnt smoke again for a couple months after that, didnt tell her that time felt a bit guilty but then ended up hating her anyway. When all is said and done theres no relationship worth being in but an accepting one.

  8. make sure to specify what drugs you do so she doesnt think your a crack head lol
  9. Depends how much you like her. If it's alot, why lie? If not too much sleep with her.
  10. be like, nah not really.. i smoke a little weed on occasion but thats about it.
  11. Ahahah yeah ik i told her only marijuana
  12. I think you did the right thing by telling her. Its good to have an honest relationship
  13. Well I'm not a relationship person. My longest lasted like two months cuz I always get tired of it. I have increased my smoking to daily use and am zooted in school regularly so basically everybody knows even some teachers. I wish I could be entirely open about it so I would tell my girl for sure.
  14. i don't think i could even be attracted to a girl who was against pot
  15. I think you should tell her, I remember when one of my gfs asked me, I told her that I do smoke weed, but its just something I do it's not who I am, and if she thinks less of me as a person because of it then I'm not interested in her opinion anyways. You need to be honest in a relationship if you want it to work out, if you hide habits or things about yourself eventually she will find out and shes going to be PISSED if you lied about it. Who knows maybe she will agree with you and you will get a free pass, or even better she might join in.
  16. i told my x once. ended up that she smoked also, we were hiding it from each other for a month. lol the world works in mysterious ways.
  17. It'd be a cold day in hell before I quit smoking for a girl.

    I would've said no I don't do drugs, just weed.
  18. :rolleyes:
  19. if she cares, do you really want to be with her?

    unless she is more important then your drug habits.
  20. She said "Oh... Thanks for being honest with me :)" ahaahah

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