Girl stoners?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by MyEyesBeRed, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. Heck if your whole group is stoned I say ask if she's hungry, take her to the kitchen, and feed her a one-eyed trouser trout
  2. I stopped with my wife when she was pregnant. I felt it was only fair. Now after the baby was born we hotboxed the shit outta the garage!
  3. yeah we're pretty badass :bongin:
  4. Ha how olds your kid?
  5. Mine? Well that one is 4. Thankfully she arrived on time. I was about to crack! Pregnant women tend to get a tad emotional and some smoke would of helped greatly ;)
  6. I heard that a little smoking doesn't affect the baby? Did she smoke while nursing?
  7. I heard the same exact thing. I know someone who's pregnant and smokes now and then. She said she looked into it and it wouldn't effect the baby.
  8. She did not nurse because she was smoking. I on the other hand enjoyed her milk ;) That's some tasty stuff!
  9. As long as a girl respects my decision to smoke its all the same to me. All I care about is whether we can have fun together not how we do it.
  10. #31 MyEyesBeRed, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    O my god hahahaha
  11. Fenugreek it makes it taste sweet. I miss her lactating :(
  12. Ha your so lucky! How did you even get her to agree to that?
  13. My wife and I are quite freaky when it comes to sex.
  14. That's why you gotta love stoner women!

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