Girl just found my grow...

Discussion in 'General' started by frankie b high, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Well we were "best friends" for like 2 years and have dated for 1. She's known since day 1 I've smoked.. It's just this thing with her sisters husband having it around the kids and just leaving it out for them to get ahold of has just really pissed her off. I know she wouldn't do something like that or I wouldn't even have it around her.. She just so happened wanted to get a sweatshirt out of my closet and boom, there it was.
  2. You gotta decide with your gut feeling whether you 100% trust her or not, if trust her then great, if you don't trust the bitch then pack up or move!
  3. Well in the movies they would kill her so she couldn't rat.
  4. well just look at it this way. Even if she means no harm, she WILL tell someone. After that, your grow is compromised. Just get rid of it man. If your aren't in a medical state, it's just not worth it.

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