Girl help

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by bto4, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Hey GC, havent been here for a while, and once again I come to you with some advice about the same girl. I'd appreciate your help

    So about a month ago we got into this big fight and broke up, she went over to her girl Friends house where one of her exs was. She gave him head and I was pretty pissed even though technically we weren't together. She seemed pretty sorry about it and I forgave her because I liked her that much.

    So just a little bit ago she tells me te other day she kissed some guy, and she feels terrible about it and she seemed like she meant it, but idk why she would do it if she really felt bad about it.

    I really wanna say you should have learned your lesson the first Time gtfo of my life, but I like her so much and couldn't stand to be without her.

    So now i feel like a bitch just letting her hurt me again and not leaving her, so what should I do? Ahhhh idk guys, I'm just hurt
    Thanks y'all

    Peace and love
  2. Get out of the relationship.

    I guarantee that she will do something else, that she will tell you once again she regrets, knowing she can walk all over you.

    Stop hurting yourself, i understand that you really like her, but if she doesnt appreciate you and the relationship now you are only postponing the inevitable ( her breaking up with you OR her doing it again OR her doing it without you ever knowing)
  3. If you don't dump her for that, I'll kick you in the nuts. Man up, you're blinded by pussy. You might love her, but obviously she doesn't love you. If you stay with her after that, it just makes you seem like a bitch.
  4. IMO it doesn't seem worth it.
    I mean like you said if she really felt bad about it, she wouldn't have done it again, and she wouldn't have told you. Maybe shes just trying to make you jealous? I mean honestly why did she have to tell you in the first place she sucked her exs dock,
  5. This is an easy one. Man the fuck up bro, dump her ass and never look back. First two weeks are gonna be a bitch, but delete ALL contact with her. Believe me, delete it all.
  6. eeek. Shitty, bro.

    I recently cut all ties with my ex and it feels great.
  7. All the above posts.. ^^^^^^^

    Get outta there mayne. She could be testin ya. Kiss once, twice. Further favors... You can find someone else that loves and respects you.. Find another girl who is your golden ticket, this girl is scuzzed out like dirty ol' fish brotha.
  8. Man there is a fine ass respectable girl out there that is waiting for you. Stop giving this one who clearly has no respect for you your attention!
  9. OP, i think you should break up with her and realize you deserve someone better, one that doesn't cheat on you repeatedly :smoke:

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