
Discussion in 'General' started by lauraisfrknawsm, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. How do you pronounce it?

    gif as in gift


    gif sounding like jif

  2. i told you already

    choosey moms choose jiffffffffffffff!
  3. I always though it was gif, as in gif. :confused:
  4. this, lol.

  5. Hahaha funnyyy that post is what made me make this

    Yeah I thought so too...but like gift yes?

    I got into an argument about the pronunciation, apparently, I am wrong :confused:

    I think I'm right though
  6. Like saying gift without the t sound :confused_2:
  7. I pronounce it like gif.

    G like great then if.

  8. I say gif, I know it's correctly pronounced as jif. But still....
  9. Its gif. Just how its spelled... it sounds. if it was pronounced "gift"... Then it'd have a t one the end.

    Yes, Gif as in how you say Jiff.

    Oh wait no..... I mean Gif as in Giff Not like actually saying Jiff like the guy above me said.
  10. I say jif, buts its a ".gif"

  11. YES! Common since would make you think it would be like that yes?

    My dear boyfriend looked at me like I was retarded when I said .gif like gift w/o the t

    He said it's pronounced like jif

    Then pulled this up
    The GIF Pronunciation Page

    More on the site. So I'm asking GC
  12. to be technical, gif stands for "graphics interchange format" so i've always pronounced the g in "gif" the same way I would as in "graphics"
  13. Well fuck them.

    In fact I usually say "dot gif".

    Yes, I say the .

  14. I don't think this will come to any good conclusion either :laughing:
  15. .jiff

    till i die

  16. wut???
  17. but i had a good conclusion :(

  18. Lol, I even brought that up and got called retarded... I didn't explain it well though.

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