Gidday and sorry

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by hardtoregister, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. Hey all. Sorry I started posting without an intro first. Could have sworn I posted one but must have just intended to and forgot. I've been reading these pages for years but never bothered posting until recently. I'm an Aussie med. and rec. user. I prefer homegrown outdoor organic.
  2. No dramas man, I don't think I ever posted and introduction on here...maybe that's why everyone hates me so much? :p
    But welcome man, always good to see another Aussie on the forums :)
  3. Thanks for the welcome. I'm always getting shitfaced then posting places without an intro. Not trying to be rude, I just forget. Also, I've been reading weed-related boards for decades now but only recently started posting. I didn't realise how much some stoners worry about adhering to the rules/etiquette. And , yeah, nice to see there's other Aussies here. I just read somewhere yesterday that , per-capita, Australia has the most tokers in the world, so we oughta be well represented here in the city.

    Aussies the biggest recreational drug users in the world - report |
  4. Dunno where else to post this.
    I'm still wading my way through the "pass on some advice to a younger stoner" thread aND I've noticed that a lot of the contributors have been banned. I see that a few were underage but the rest...??
    Is this an easy place to get banned from or did they act like dickweeds in another thread?
  5. It's kinda easy...some big rules are don't be a total dick to people (abuse and name calling is a good way to get kicked), don't discuss drugs that aren't weed (this includes prescription meds etc, god knows why) and don't spam.
    Those are just the basics I picked up :p
  6. And be over 18. I think we avoid talking about other drugs because it's a cannabis forum, and it just detracts from the focus of it's intention.

    Welcome to the city OP, like you say Australia has more than it's share of tokers so you'll bump into a fair few of us out there.:smoke:

  7. Oh yeah, be 18 too. Or at least get used to pretending to be 18 :p

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