It:s exactly 12:54 A.M EST and I'm in the suburbs of atlanta, georgia. My friend calls me ecstatic to go outside and look in the sky and of course i do. There is a massive ring around the moon an in the sky. It looks like a rainbow to a certain extent Marvelous, is anyone seeing this ? Idk what it is but its incredible
you bastard, i just went outside in 20 degree weather in shorts and a t shirt and nearly fell down the stairs covered in a foot of snow trying to find this shit. i don't even see the moon. although i am 1000 miles away nearly
Well its fucking crazy. A friend of mine said it happens a few times a year? He didnt exactly what it was called though Im fascinated
For real this had me LOLLERblading. The "ring" you see is reflected light and the rainbow is caused by light being bent in the atmopshere/clouds. Your probably high to which increases the effect, (Ie: dilated pupils = more light into your eye) I swear I've seen this thread posted many times over the last five years of internet message board lurking.
[quote name='"alinboblackman"'] Wasn't that funny.. Actually it wasn't funny at all.. He was just impressed with space..[/quote] Yea forreal. Sorry i didnt know what it was Regardless, its beautiful and marvelous and just another production of nature that blows my mind
Its funny that someone can think light distortions are a "giant ring in the sky" and that they are shocked enough to go post a thread on GC. I can be impressed with teh beuty of space and still know what it is. I just find it funny that so many people jump to this conclusion that a giant ring appeared in the sky. I mean arn't most people familiar with how eyes work? and it's funny your friend just pulled some BS out of his ass and said it happens a few times a year
same thing happened about 4 months ago in Flo. I remember doing research when I seen it, but I forgot what it was though, but google big ring around the moon and you will see million of other people that have seen it.
Exactly, I don't give a fuck how the giant ring got there or how it developed, IT'S A GIANT RING IN THE SKY, that shit is cool. I would have made a thread fo sho. Especially never seeing something like that before.
Ok its a ring like a rainbow is a giant arch across the sky You can see a rainbow ring around the sun if conditions are right too
If someone posted a thread that said. "Holy shit guys!!! Giant multi-colored arch across the sky at 5:40pm Eastern time! Any idea what it is!!!?>?" I'd lol. You see I knew what he was going to say even before I read the whole thread, this caused amusement for me and made me lol, esspecially his friend claiming it happens only a few times a year.
Thats because it is a common phenomenon But if you ask David Icke he might tell you it has something to do with secret ancient alien thought control technology!
Why the fuck does every thread get ruined on Gc? All you had to do was explain. Now this thread has derailed in under 2 pages I was fascinated by the damn thing and was curious if others were seeing it. Sorry this is such an issue