Giant list of Obama shit

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Thunder Struck, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. #1 Thunder Struck, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    Passed NDAA
    Patriot Act
    Supported the Gun "Treaty" at the UN.
    Supported SOPA and PIPA
    Assassinated a U.S. Citizen
    Increased the debt from 9 trillion to 15 trillion

    What else am I missing? Please help add on.

    I want to make a giant list so when people say they are voting Obama, I just copy-paste, walk away.

  2. Great Idea.

    Gitmos still open
    MMJ patients arrested by DEA
    Sold guns to drug cartels
    Troops still in Iraq and Afghanistan
    Has bombed six countries

    Too busy to write more but I'm sure others will.
  3. And ROMNEY is any better? Face reality, hon! Ron Paul and Gary Johnson can only be "spoilers" for Obama- and possibly give Romney a slim win! And I really would prefer either Paul or Johnson in the Whitehouse, but both of them have a "snowflake's" chance of winning!

    A part of me wonders of the republicans are encouraging Paul, just so he CAN be a spoiler and suck votes away from Obama!

    IMHO, any politician who makes it as far as running for prez, is corrupted! POWER CORRUPTS!

    What we have is a choice of evils, and there is a big difference between bad and worse! And I think Romney would be even worse than Obama is!

    Exactly what do you think a Morman's view on legalization would be? They don't even approve of caffeine! And Ryan is a Roman Catholic- not much help there, either!

    Obama is not a great choice, but consider the alternative!

  4. I refuse to be a passive part of the system and just choose the two candidate wallstreet and the banks have chosen for me. Do not vote for evil! I don't care who you vote for but vote third party, vote Gary Johnson or Stewart Alexander just do not vote for the status quo (Obama or Romney)
  5. Fuck the government.

  6. I love you, you are probably the most informative poster on this entire forum, but please stop.

    I didn't say I am voting Romney.

    I am voting Ron Paul no matter what. I am going to write him in. I will not be sucked into a "two party" system. I will make my own choices with my own research and my own conclusions.

    I refuse to be part of the problem.
  7. I'm pretty sure many of us that talk shit about Obama and the government will be labeled as terrors....?,ist

    N be locked up without trial even though it's our right .....

    So our freedom of speech is gone

    Right to bear arms is gonna be taken away

    Right to a trial is gone what's next ?

    N the people that speak up against the government will be for our rights and liberty ......

    Fuck that pos president
  8. So that faggot passed the Ndaa ???

    So our right to a trial is gone

    Right to freedom of speech is gone

    Right to bear arms is almost gone
  9. Ah, the old voting for the lesser evil rationale. :rolleyes:

    Keep holding your nose at the voting booth, see how that works out.

    It's akin to the WWE, two wrestlers beating each up on stage, sharing drinks afterwards. Why? They both work for the same owner(s), different stage personalities don't mean squat.
  10. [quote name='"xmaspoo"']Ah, the old voting for the lesser evil rationale. :rolleyes:

    Keep holding your nose at the voting booth, see how that works out.

    It's akin to the WWE, two wrestlers beating each up on stage, sharing drinks afterwards. Why? They both work for the same owner(s), different stage personalities don't mean squat.[/quote]

    I say we stop voting .....
  11. boycott the elections
    fuck all this shit

  12. You should read before posting...


  13. He wasn't talking to you he was talking to stormcrow.

  14. I couldn't tell, he didn't quote, so I suspect it was named at me the open poster.

  15. who you voting for?:confused:

    ...political parties are one face or the other of the same worthless political coin...and when that coins real owners flip it, we the people lose every time.:(

    heads they win, tails we lose.:mad:

  16. He's voting for Ron Paul. @OP I think you should put that your voting for Ron Paul in your first post so that people don't think your just an angry conservative.
  17. [quote name='"Storm Crow"']And ROMNEY is any better? Face reality, hon! Ron Paul and Gary Johnson can only be "spoilers" for Obama- and possibly give Romney a slim win! And I really would prefer either Paul or Johnson in the Whitehouse, but both of them have a "snowflake's" chance of winning!

    A part of me wonders of the republicans are encouraging Paul, just so he CAN be a spoiler and suck votes away from Obama!

    IMHO, any politician who makes it as far as running for prez, is corrupted! POWER CORRUPTS!

    What we have is a choice of evils, and there is a big difference between bad and worse! And I think Romney would be even worse than Obama is!

    Exactly what do you think a Morman's view on legalization would be? They don't even approve of caffeine! And Ryan is a Roman Catholic- not much help there, either!

    Obama is not a great choice, but consider the alternative!


    What's wrong with Catholicism? I'm Roman Catholic. That doesn't mean anything.

    Obama would be my LAST choice for a president. I would rather have someone in office that knows what they're doing, rather than a well-spoken wannabe celebrity who hasn't really done much but raised the debt and fucked up our country more than the last person in office.

    Romney actually has very strong and diverse experience in the business world. He's just what we need to fix the economy. Maybe look into other issues besides who's gonna give you legalized pot? I understand it has some benefits, but its not some miracle like you put it out to be. We have bigger issues to worry about.

  18. vote for a real evil, a true master of the arts:

    [​IMG] :hello::p
  19. [quote name='"flapflip"']

    What's wrong with Catholicism? I'm Roman Catholic. That doesn't mean anything.

    Obama would be my LAST choice for a president. I would rather have someone in office that knows what they're doing, rather than a well-spoken wannabe celebrity who hasn't really done much but raised the debt and fucked up our country more than the last person in office.

    Romney actually has very strong and diverse experience in the business world. He's just what we need to fix the economy. Maybe look into other issues besides who's gonna give you legalized pot? I understand it has some benefits, but its not some miracle like you put it out to be. We have bigger issues to worry about.[/quote]

    Yea but they both support Ndaa .......

    Only thing I can think of is Romney vetoing the Obamacare which I barely have any money as it is then to decide if I'm going to eat or get insurance
  20. I doubt Romney would veto obamacare he CREATED OBAMACARE. Look at Romneycare in Massachusetts.

    And yeah I feel for you, I'm in the same situation.

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