Giant lego man appears on beach

Discussion in 'General' started by Tonyizzle, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. [​IMG] Full Article

    Imagine being baked and strolling along the beach and finding this thing.. haha. Funny shit. :smoking:
  2. imagine tripping on schrooms/acid and finding that
  3. DAM IT

    i was wondering where i put frank...

  4. I can imagine convincing myself that I must have somehow stumbled into a shrink ray haha. :cool:
  5. That shit is pretty awesome =D

    I'd be so happy to find that while shrooming. lol.

  6. "Oh my god you guys!! It's a message from the Lego Gods!":eek:
  7. had the words "no real than you are" on it?
    that's intense.
  8. I would totally put that on my couch inside my house. People would walk in and be like "WTF?!"

    It would be great.


  9. haha yeah. Put him at the dinner table with a lego built meal in front of him.

  10. #11 Oddyball, Nov 1, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2008
    Awesome PR marketing skills to whoever thought of that one at the Lego HQ.\

    Friday Morning: 6:45 AM (DEADLINE)

    Boss: What do you pieces of shit have for me!?

    Rep: Uh well... we could give away free lego toys to all those kids on halloween...

    Boss: Fired. Next.

    Rep2: Well... uh, I uh.... well uh, sir ..... a big lego man......


    Rep2: My name is Bill.

    Boss: Awesome idea Tom.
  11. I would definetly stand that in my yard year round
  12. Kinda lame; same shit different story. They found one of those, exactly the same with exact phrase on T-shirt last year in 07. I'm surprised they wrote about it a second time around.
  13. Thats a fuckin' trip man! hahaha I would've took that thing home
  14. That is amazing!

  15. What are you DOING HERE, FRANK?


    *gives Will Smith Stare*
  16. That's fuckin' insane. :smoking:

  17. Great minds think alike. :)

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