Getting wisdom teeth pulled

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Titoelbambino, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. today, my dentist told me it's time to get my wisdom teeth pulled. FML
    i imagine they'll be druggin me up for that... is there any chance they'll be givin me ketamine? if not, what drug can i request that'll knock me out or totally blow me away... im not tryna feel the pain of having teeth pulled.
  2. For me they gave me general anesthesia for the actual procedure and a bottle of Norcos for after. I imagine they'll give you some kind of oxycodone/hydrocodone or something for after, but I doubt they'd give you ketamine.
  3. i'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled soon as well, my brother had it done and they just gave him vicodin. i'm sure hydrocodone is an option though.
  4. im getting mine pulled pretty soon

    they told me theyre going to give me a pill of valium for me to take the night before and another one to take an hour before

    then theyll give me someshit to knock me out

    idk what theyll give after
  5. #5 MajorStoner, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2009
    To Fetus: Vics are hydro.

    I got mine out at 16 and only got Darvocets, and not even very many, I think 15-30, can't remember at this point.

    Oh, and I got nitrous through the procedure and like 10 shots of Novacaine (just kept saying I wasn't numb, really wasn't....) And that messed with my head way more than the Darvs. After getting off the tank I was totally fucked up, passed out on the ~5min ride home, wake up in my garage (wasn't driving, don't worry).
  6. sounds pretty intense... ima read up on nitrous to see if thats what i want.
  7. are you fuckin retarded ketamine is a horse tranquilizer
    didn't mean to sound like a dick. I'm supposed to get mine pulled some time soon everyone around here gets prescribed percocet so I am happy about that.

    can you smoke after your teeth get pulled
  8. #8 lappin420, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2009

    Are you fucking retarted? Ketamine is used in dental procedures. A simple google search could have discovered that..

    Didn't mean to sound like a dick.:rolleyes:

    And to my knowledge, yes, you CAN smoke after getting your teeth pulled.. But its not a good idea. You can get dry sockets I believe.
  9. My girlfriend got a tooth extracted a couple weeks ago. They gave her fentanyl, rivetrol, and something else for the general anesthesia. Afterwards, they gave her a shot of morphine. Her script for home use was 10 5mg percs followed by 10 5mg tabs for the second week.
  10. they wont give u Special K i wish that would be sweet but they gave me nitrous afterwards they gave me percs
  11. Ask for Nitrous, being under the influence of this for the 20 minutes of my teeth being pulled was like a constant state of being zooted. You will love every second of it and not give a damn what they do to you. Of course they will put novacain in the selected areas.

    But remember if u do get nitrous keep telling the nurse that you can't feel it anymore and constantly keep getting the nitrous flow boosted up.
  12. I got my wisdom teeth out in February, and honestly, don't sweat it man. The actual procedure is the easiest part of it anyway. In my case, I lay down on the chair and was given a mask for the nitrous. It was really relaxing and enjoyable, and I was stress free going into it. At some point during the nitrous haze, my doctor injected me with fentanyl, and I was out. When I began to wake up an hour later they were just finishing up and I was pretty fucked up. The shitty part is then you have to stuff gauze in your mouth, and that can be uncomfortable. I got a script of 7.5/750 hydros which kept the pain to an absolute minimum. The first couple days I would wake up soar, but the vicodin is really effective and enjoyable. Basically you get to spend a couple days curled up on your couch, ripped as hell on opiates eating ice cream. Not too bad.:) You'll be fine.

    And you shouldn't smoke for a couple days to a week after, it can give you dry sockets which is supposed to be realllllyyy painful.
  13. #14 AlkaSeltzer, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2009
    When i had mine done i got the gas. I only got T3's and robax platinum for my pain. I cant believe i didn't even get any opiates outta the trip considering my teeth had to be cut outta the jaw in all four corners cause they were rooted so deep.
  14. They gave me 20 Percocets.
  15. I still have mine but I'm getting them pulled soon. I hope they give me some oxy's or something

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