getting through probation

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by 1coolin05, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. i got sentenced 6 months conditional discharge in nj because i got caught with an oz on me like 2 months ago. its been 12 days since court and im bugging out. conditional discharge is basically if you get arrested first time adult on a possession charge, you can go on probation and after its over it gets expunged, but you can only get it once in your life. i was able to go 8 days without smoking weed until i got laid off from my job because its not as busy in the fall/winter and they didnt need me any longer. since then i just cant do it... i have nothing to do anymore im just sitting at my house all day besides when i go to class. i slipped up a few times already i need some help how yall got through this thanks a lot
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. You used your 'get out of jail card'. Your next roll may be 'Go Directly To Jail, Do Not Pass Go'.
    Have you considered getting a new job? That'd keep you busy.
    Unemployment, where I am, is ridiculously low... if you are breathing, you're hired!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. #3 GorillaGherkin, Sep 18, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2019
    exercise alcohol n sex. 6 months ain’t that long just don’t go gettin a DUI, they want u to fuck up again so they can put ya on probation for years next and that’s when they take control of everything in ur life.
    Use this 6 months to better yourself
  4. best that i used it lol. i wouldve lost my license for 2 years, probably double the fine i got and i would lose all of my financial aid. unfortunately, here, its kind of a seasonal place because i live by the beach. its hard to find a job in the winter here because rarely anybody is hiring. i have a pretty shitty record because of weed. before getting that job i had to have applied to at least a dozen and the only people who even gave me a call back was mcdonalds and this hotel and im not working at mcdonalds

    i like alcohol, but im not 21 and its harder to get than weed. i would exercise but i dont even have the motivation for it because im already like a piece of paper im 5'11" 132 lbs i could use a lil muscle tho LMAO
  5. Cool good luck man off to a great start either way
  6. shits horrible man i took a vacation before probation to canada and i cant believe i had to come back to the freedom of the united states

    and the only real reason i want to complete this probation is so i can go back to canada for spring break LOL
  7. Lol This is gunna b a fun thread
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. its always a party when im here
  9. Lol why did you continue to smoke after being put on probation?? Stay clean dude or you'll probably end up being some 1s bitch in prison since you ain't even 21 yet lmaooo
  10. i was just chillen living my life going to work n shit then i go in one day and they laid like 8 people off including me and i went home that day and i was staring at a wall and shit i just started smoking again
  11. You give excuses for smoking pot but no one cares why except your mama. You're being foolish by smoking on probation and calling it a "slip" doesn't change anything. It's time you wised up, if you think life is boring without smoking pot just imagine how your days will go when you're behind bars.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Exercise can reduce cannabis use in persons who don’t want to stop. (news – 2011)
    Exercise can reduce cannabis use in persons who don't want to stop

    Supplement Helps Teens Kick Pot Habit. (news – 2012)

    Marijuana Tolerance Breaks” 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health.(news – 2013) Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: How to Pass the Time With Ease - Weedist

    Quitting pot? Substitute a little coffee buzz. (news – 2015)

    The Easy Way To Detox From Cannabis. (news – 2017)
    The Easy Way To Detox From Cannabis – Medicine Wisdom

    And since depression often happens when you quit cannabis-
    Fish Oil to Treat Depression? Fish Oil to Treat Depression?

    Hope that helps!

  13. Heed these words right here.
  14. Go to the dollar store and buy a bottle of b vitamins. go to the convenient store and buy a rockstar.. the day you have a ua wake up early and pound a few glasses of water and 4 or 5 b vitamin pills. wait until you have to piss and piss out that first day pee followed by a few more glasses of water and a few more b vitamins. piss some more drink some rockstar and sip some water and keep pissin until you go to the test. this will dilute your urin, and the b vitamins will turn your color yellow masking the dilution....
  15. The longer you stay clean the easier it is brother, I wish the best for you. I turned a 1 year deffered into 2 years probation because I couldn't do it. Showing up high all the time didn't seem to help haha.
    Find something you like and spend time with it, that's what helped me. You might even get lucky and fall in love with it. Another thing is to keep it away from you the best you can. I decided to buy an ounce every paycheck trying to build a back-stock for a big "Off probation party"

    That uhh... didn't last long...

    I'm sorry you're going through this bud.

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