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Getting the will power to t break.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Piller, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Well i ahve a problem...i just love smoking lol. I'd rather be high all day than sober but i feel it's to much and it's become a waste. I'll be successful in t breaking...for 1-2 days then i take a hit and get back into it lol. It's hard not to when you got through an o every 2 ish weeks!

    Any adivce besides just do it :D?
  2. its really no Huge deal. Once you get the couple of days going without toking you'll be fine. Feels refreshing for me.
  3. i got the same problem lol

    whenever i want a t brake, whenever i feel like smokin, i just workout instead then my minds not on getting high as much, and it feels refreshing to workout for like 3 weeks then to smoke again feels grate!
  4. I dunno about advice.

    But at least try to make a post that doesn't make you come across as some weak-willed drug addict.
    Im not trying to be a dick, but if i didn't know you were talking about weed. I'd think you were talking about cigarette's or an actual drug that is addictive.

    I lose all interest in smoking after I stop for about 3 days.

    So I never really T-break. I just stop smoking for a week or two, then smoke again.

    Im poor, so I cant smoke shit loads all the time like you do.
  5. I hear ya, I'm having a hell of a time taking a break from the stuff myself. There are some helpful tips out there on the web, a quick search on "quitting weed" should yield about 411,000 results ;) If you run into any specific problems along the way (with me, terrible insomnia and depression for the first few days) you can always google that specifically to get helpful responses.

    But the fact is you can read every forum and guide on the web, but at the end of the day it's all up to you, nothing but self-restraint can stop you from reaching for that next joint...

    Stick with it, and good luck :)
  6. What has worked for me is just simply not to pick up any more bud when I run out, if i don't have any then there's no temptation to smoke.

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