getting stoned and evolution

Discussion in 'General' started by Exodus2011, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Does getting stoned have any place in the evolutionary psychology of people? like do you think it would help ensure survival?

    Hmm perhaps a stoned ape thought up of weapons and smarter ways to get food and such. Like a new way of looking at the situation.
  2. Cannabis is a amazing medicine, it helps so many people and the amount of problems it can treat is remarkable.

    We used it as a herbal medicine for thousands of years and we still do.

    Also talking of evolution and bud, we have 'cannabis receptors' Maybe we smoked so much bud we evolved them :smoke:

  3. *cannabinoid receptors. Pretty different concept. It means that they can be stimulated by cannabinoids, which are obviously found in abundance in cannabis, but not strictly limited to it. There are other sources of them

    Also I think it was Terrence McKenna who theorised that mushrooms could've played a part in creating communication and abstract signals. I haven't read too much into it but it seems reasonable. Not quite the same thing but still. There's no doubt that psychoactives played more of a part in creating aspects of society and communication than most people do or would like to think
  4. Cannabis wasnt the only drug back then ;)

  5. I know ;)
  6. you watched the stoned ages on The history channel last night huh? :D

  7. naw just pretty blazed and had that thought in my head haha. that show sounds interesting if it was about this then though
  8. Oh I though you had because on the show there was a segment about drugs and evolution. A researcher said that a primate in the past was not likely to try something new like trying to create tools to get things done, but perhaps a primate who had consumed magic mushrooms would because the effects it would have had on the brain making the primate think differently and wanting to try something different. It was a pretty cool show though, you should check it out.
  9. if they did it was probably mushrooms. i dont think a monkey could roll a blunt

  10. but a primitive human who stood next to a marijuana field that was naturally genetically higher thc than normal and made it high?
  11. [ame=]The Stoned Ape Theory by Terence Mckenna - YouTube[/ame]

  12. oh cool. I'll look it up then
  13. Why would a stoned ape think up of a weapon?

    Geez... smoke weed and get stoned.

    Get stoned and make love.

    Not make weapons.
  14. LOL you must be blazed mang. THC can't radiate from plants and intoxicate anyone who walks into its... what would it be... an aura? Not matter how high the content
  15. #15 Exodus2011, Sep 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2011
    oic damn yea i am haha. wait i think the first people to smoke weed were 5000 years ago, but that may be just recorded history

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