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Getting Ripped Off

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Thejourney318, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. #1 Thejourney318, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    How do you guys handle being shorted? Recently my reliable long-term dealer moved. Since then I've bought off a couple friends a couple times. But, I just tried buying off of someone else. Someone I used to work with, that I was friendly with. I bought what was supposed to be an eighth. And yea, I pretty clearly got screwed. It's mayyybe 2.5, tops, probably a little less really. Now, in situations like this, where I try to buy a relatively small amount from someone who's not 'my dealer,' and I get screwed. I'm not gonna create a confrontation or anything. My thoughts are, ok, I just paid a little bit more than I should have. And now I'm not ever going to buy from this person again. I lost a little bit, but realistically not that much and that person just lost out on me buying from them again. Which I smoke quite a lot of weed, so certainly they lose more than me. 
    What about you guys?
    And this weed looks/smells pretty yea, technically out a few bucks, but oh least I have weed, and know who not to buy from again.

  2. Call the cops on him
    Kick his ass
     Dear Ganja Gods of California. I hereby extend my gratitude towards thee for having trustable lab tested weed delivered to my door. When it says it's an 8th, you know it's an 8th. I thank you for the dispensaries that weigh my sacks fat right in front of my eyes.
    In Marley's name i pray.
  3. #3 Thejourney318, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    It was actually a girl. lol. The most annoying thing about it is that this is someone I've always gotten along with real good. I guess she's just skeezy...during the exchange she reminded me of a girl who I used to kind of have a thing with...until I found out she was skeezy...she was real nice seeming at first too...
    skeezy bitches man...
    And I curse the ganja gods of Florida...making the medical bill fail and all...
  4. Tell her you wanna cop an ounce, and when she take it out. Steal it and just tell her to never rip someone off again. She can suck one
  5. tell her she better suck some dick for that missing $15

    +1 at poster above me. got rid of shtty dealers before that way
  6. Mention 'scale' next time and I bet that person won't short you.
  7. if it's not your regular dealer you take what they give you and deal with it. if you don't like it don't go back. when I used to deal I would never hook up people that are always complaining or trying to get an extra .2 so is a lose/lose

    if it's your regular guy then I would say something. but make sure you have a scale so you're 100% sure.
  8. That's what I said I did/do. In this case though, it was 1-1.5 grams short on an 8th...I'm not quibbling over .2. And again, I'm not saying anything, but I clearly got screwed.
  9. shit like this always happens its people trying to make money like what young buckets said "mention a scale" before you take any cash out of your pocket and you won't get ripped off :)

    My first official grow all advice welcome:)
  10. I was talking more in general than your specific situation. You handled it the same way I would.

    She lost a potential customer for a gram, she screwed herself more than she screwed you.
  11. #11 Thejourney318, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    Well, clearly the weed is good at least...I smoked hardly any last night, like 3 hits or maybe 4 hits, and got pretty decently high...and my whole half of the house reeks of weed and I can't get rid of the
  12. I bought a scale, always weigh my bags when I get home and if I bought an O and it ways 26.5 I text my dude and say "Yo, this is 1.5 gs short" if they give you the difference next pick up, all good. If they are a dick about it and say tough shit, find a new dealer.
  13. Next time the person says hey want to buy some bud, just say " No thanks, you shorted me last time.  I'll go somewhere else."
    Always funny to watch their reaction, and here there dumb responses. 
  14. everytime i buy a dime bag i go home n weigh it and its  a .7 totally rediclous
  15. #15 lessthanjeezy, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    You need to find a new dealer then...Have you ever mentioned it? If not, they just think you think .7 is a g.
  16. no no been smoking for a good 10 years, i know my stuff i sold too, hey just want a shitload of profit but i dont buy off this guy anymore now i can get growers prices rather then the seller selling a dime bag for 10 dollars its kinda ht eoffisate i get 10 dollars for like 6 and theirs highs too 15% thc
  17. ^ smoked 10 years, still buys dime bags lol.
  18. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  19. I was buying from a friend of mine who I "sorta" grew up with in my mid-late teens. So I hit him up to buy 5 grams worth. he tells me $50 plus the headset I had at the time. So we agreed on a meeting location, we did the deal and when I got home to weigh the herb this shit weighs out to 3.6 grams, so I hit this bitch up letting him know my bag was short by 1.4g and that I would like to receive the rest of my herb, right? Well, this cocksucker had the nerve...I mean the fucking nerve to put all the blame on his girlfriend and told me "Ah, I am sorry bro I had my girl weigh that out for you". I told him that I would like to get the rest of my weed. He then told me that I would have to wait until the next day to get it, so the very first thing I do when I open my eyes is text this dude asking where to meet. We meet and I get to the passenger side of the car, he hands me a small baggie with a giant nug in it and said: "I always make it right". As soon as I got the baggie in hand I got in my car I went home weighed the nug, it came to 1.4. After I messaged him saying that I am done buying from him after what he just tried to do to me by (almost ripping me off). I blocked his ass, have not talked to him since.
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  20. My dealer weighs it in front of me. When I started buying from him I paid 10 bucks 0.7 g of the best bud I ever smoked so I didn't care. Now I'm getting 1g for the same.
    If his bud wasn't so good and he didn't live next door I would've stopped buying from him long ago
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