so i go a burn blister on my nose its pretty embarrassing. is there any way to make it less noticeable should i pop or leave it alone?
Yeah they suck. If it's got the "bubble of goo" look going on, you can disinfect a needle or thumb tack in a flame, and poke a hole to drain it. That worked for my finger, I don't know about your nose. But for the love of god dont squeeze or pop it, that even sounds horrible.
I think if you mess with it then it will scar. My sisters use aloe vera whenever they get hurt like that. I used it for a chemical burn one time and it felt a lot better.
DO NOT PUNCTURE THE BLISTER UNLESS YOU HAVE TO! puncturing a blister will just increase your likelihood of infection. Blisters should only be drained if it is physically interfering with an activity. Sometimes they do need to be punctured, but do not do it preemptively. You're just causing yourself unnecessary pain and discomfort. Here is a full guide: On a personal note, I used to get blisters on my hands all the time from work. They suck, I know, but ignoring them is really the best thing you can do. Hope you heal and feel better soon!