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Getting really quiet when high...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Baraccus, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Hey guys,

    Usually whenever I blaze, I don't get any energy at all. I just sit there and watch other people do things. Its getting really, really annoying. I can barley function and do shit. Whenever I blaze with other new tokers like me, they get all active and talkative... im the complete opposite. Is it because I've been smoking too much and I go into zombie mode? Is there anything I can do to make sure I get really talkative and stuff when im high? Aka. drinking sine good ol' vodka or red bull before hand?

    I also live in a place where I can do some awesome outdoor things like snowboarding, is it smart to do those things while high or just dangerous?

    PS. I live in BC and I get really good stuff like Sour Disel, White Widow, and Purple Haze from a good well-known dealer. so maybe does the strain affect my high?
  2. seems like ur just gettin couch locked to me, maybe u should get like a 100% Sativa strain, blow ur fawkin head off, but the strains u seem to be gettin are part sativa, so idk.

    Also the mood ur in before u smoke also makes up your high, so if u wanna talk alot, be full of energy before u do so, just don't crash if lets say u drink energy drinks. Try exercising before u smoke, trust me u'll feel on a whole different level.

    btw, doing things when ur high really just depends on the person u are i believe, like for me i can really concentrate on certain things when im high, but i can't drive for shit when im high, alot of my friends however are like pro when they're high.
  3. #3 Tokertots, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    Ule realize as u keep smoking u want to be chill I can't stand toking with people who just geek out and won't shut up u know there always has to be tht fat kid giggling to him self in the corner I see as when ur geeking that's when u get in caught
  4. If I'm not mistaking white widow is weed lace with coke, cocaine is a stiulant and should hipe u up if I'm not mistaking I don't know much about white widow or boonk
  5. I dunno about all the fancy names for weed. I smoke it when I can get it to help me sleep. A couple tokes and nighty night and I sleep soundly all night. Without it I have to take three Tylenol PMs and two Trazadones. Maybe it's different for everyone. Makes me sleepy.

    I bet it's better for my liver too.
  6. I used to be the same way, just get really quiet and subdued around the people I was with. Ended up losing out with this really cool chick I knew because of it too.
    I found it has a lot to do with the mood I'm in, and the mood I want to be in. It sounds kind of corny, but it works for me.

    And like k status says, doing things really depend on you, and what you're capable of while stoned. If you're a good snowboarder and confident while sober, give a few of those beginner runs a try after toking up. If you're not eating powder, try for some bigger things, bring a chillum on a lift with you, gradually get yourself into it. Unless you do that first run like it was nothing else.

    I can drive perfectly fine when I'm stoned (sober passengers have testified;)) and can pretty much function like a normal, just enjoying a new spin on things. I picked up longboarding not too long ago and its soo much better after a few rips, I actually feel like I have better balance. I'll be doing the snowboarding thing hopefully within in the next few weeks too.

    Just keep a positive up-beat mindset. And like it was said, working out before might do you a world of good too.


  7. I smoke for alot of reasons and one of them is not sleeping u must be older tough I'm only 15
  8. That's not even close, white widow is a strain that grows with white buds/resin.
  9. Ok well were I live "white widow" goes by boonk and yes I've smoked it and it was laced with cocaine and what's with the tude a mistakes a mistake
  10. Yeah when I was your age I was the same way. I could be your daddy though so things have changed. When you get older you will understand. Just don't lose your contacts.

    Insomnia has plagued me since my early twenties and pot has always done the trick. At my age it gets more difficult to come by so the Dr. gives me pills that work most of the time.

    The nights when I lay awake in bed for hours even after taking my meds are the nights that suck the most. One bong would put me in to dreamy land but I have to keep popping PMs until I fall asleep then wake up a drugged idiot. Some nights I will add a xanax because it calms my thoughts. THEN I have to get in a car and drive to work. Great system we have.
  11. I had that exact same problem when i started toking. My first 7-8 highs became pretty boring acctually (mostly hash) and i didn't have that funny feeling and so.. But then lately i've started to be more active when i'm high. I laugh more and come up with funky ideas and thoughs. So i'd say you just take your time and you will be able to enjoy your high more :)
    i also have started smoking weed lately instead of hash, so that might be part of the reason. weed doesn't really help me that much medicaly tho. Me and some friends blazed last night, weed and hash mix. it was sweeet! :hello:

    btw, white widow is a strain, not laced weed
  12. This will most probably be down to 2 things, the weed you are getting, and the mood that you are in. If you want to be active and talkative when high, stick to mainly Sativa weed. Also, a lot of the time when you are stoned some of what is happening is psychological. For example, you may abstain from weed for a few weeks and when you next have some you expect to get baked easy, so it ends up feeling like you are. In a way weed lives up to your expectations. So try to be in the mood for creative activities before you toke, and believe with every toke that it is going to be the most enjoyable experience possible. It is the same as when you are paranoid from smoking, this can be down to the fact that you have guilt in your heart for doing it, or that it is wrong to do. Thinking any negative things like this can create a negative experience, which is obviously not what you want. When i wake up in the morning, i have a wake n bake with the intention of the weed setting me off for the day into a good mood and to create a good day for me, and it always does! If i have had a stressful day (usually due to withdrawal haha), then i will toke up in the afternoon with the intention of eliminating all my stress and chilling out, and this too works. Same is true if i want to sleep at night, i do the same method. So thats my advice, always know why you are smoking before you do.Peace.

  13. This is actually a really good idea. Try going on a bike ride at night and lighting a J somewhere with a nice view. Then bike back. The exercise really makes for a different high.
  14. real gangstas chill n look at others like there stupid.:smoking:

  15. ROFLs
  16. [​IMG]

    Or just really stupid
  17. I can be in an energetic, laughtastic mode when im high, or a couch locked, tired mode when im high. It all depends on the strain.

    And for some reason, when i vaporize im always in the energetic state and can think much more clearly while still enjoying the high.

  18. Then why the hell are you on this site

  19. You're 15 and making up bullshit get the fuck out of here.
  20. I had one friend who I used to smoke with all the time that would be almost silent the entire time we cheefed unless you asked him a direct question. Which was funny because I'm one of those people that never shuts up when they're high, so it made for a funny combination. You might just be one of those people who get really quiet when they're stoned, there's nothing wrong with it though.

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