Getting Ready For First Grow...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Jackatire, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Questions,

    1) Will miracle grow potting soil work?

    2) Will the light in the picture work? (Its got 1 bulb, Would it significantly make the plant better If i got another one?)

    3) How big should the pot be? (The clay/Plastic pot not the weed haha)

    Thanks for all the help!


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  2. If you are going to use Miracle Grow, I would use the Moisturre Control Formula, and add perlite at 1:3. People will tell you MG won't work, but I used the Moisture Control for years. I only switched this year because I went organic.

    I don't think that light is going to work for you. What is the wattage on it? I would advise you to get either CFL's or ideally a small HPS.

    The size pot will depend on your grow area. You can grow in any size pot, but the smaller the pot, the smaller your yield. I would use 5 gallon buckets if you have the room.

  3. Im not sure of the wattage of that lamp, =/
    But i could get another bulb, I think ill try it,

    And also i dont have a 5 gallon bucket arround... Hmm i wonder what else i could use,

    Also what kind of water should i use? Bottled? Distiled? Tap water?

    I was going to do the LST method on this grow,
  4. Yo man looks to me like you need to get your shit together before you try stuff like lst training. People dont like miracle grow cause it usually has ferts in it and ideally you want to control how much/often your plant gets them and salt burns at young stages isnt uncommon with using miracle grow for young plants/ seedlings just germinated. I have used it a few times stresses them at first then they get better produce nice yield. BUT THAT LIGHT....i dont know what kind of watts or lumens it puts off or where its at on the light spectrum but id bet money that aint going to work, might work like their first week after they germinated. You can get 150watt hps fairly cheap its all you need for one even two plants. AS for containers general rule of thumb is 1 gallon for every foot of growth and its best (in my opinion) to put them directly in the container you plan on harvesting them from after they have germinated and got good few inches of growth.
  5. you want a neutral ph water, some times city water is to harsh for them. Distilled is cool.
  6. no no no no no. miracle grow sucks and you have a poopy light.
  7. Well im in the process of buying a car,
    SO i dont have much money to be spending, Plus i only have 2 seeds (Hope 1's female)

    I can spend max 25 bucks on everything i need haha
  8. buy your car, save some money, do a LOT of reading and then try this again. I would suggest reading most stickies in this section and the absolute beginners section. 25 wont even cover the light more than likely plus everything else. hate to sound bitchy but there is nothing more frustrating to all of us other newbs like myself, who have done the research, spent the time learning before attempting, and spent the money needed to make even the smallest grows successful. i would also suggest buying the book that is suggested in my blog and reading it as well. you have a long way to go my friend
  9. Yea i said earlier got to get yo shit together and deff dont attempt lst untill you sucessfully grow a few regular. You got 25$ to invest with hahaha that guy said poopy light sorry dude im high. but for real you dont know what your geting yourself into. save up get your car and in the process of saving for your car do your research tons of info out there
  10. That poopy light comment was pretty funny man..haha.. But, Cmon bro.. if 25 bucks was all you needed to grow one plant alot more people would be growing this shit.. if you had the right knowledge to grow (which u basically do if youre a memeber of this site, all you need to do is search and read a little.) i would say fuck the car, buy a nice set up, and in six months you can have the money for your ride and bomb herb to blow while youre driving around... but 25 bucks my nig? haha i wiiiiiiiiiiiish thats all you needed..

    buuut to answer your question..

    Fuck miracle gro..

    those lights really are "poopy"..invest in HID's you will only spend the money once and it will be well worth it..

    size of the pots depends on how many plants you want to fit in a room, how big the room is, and how big you want your plants to get.. i got 15 and i use 3 gallon pots in a 6x5.5x9 space..

    tap water will work fine.. i use it and i live in LA not recommended but it will work.. it also depends in your area..some places its super shitty, and others its good enough.. but if you have the luxury get filtered shit..

    hope that helped.. good luck.. and do some research!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Anyone have problems with distilled water? I bought a gallon and it had a ph of 7 neutral, right dab in the middle. I had to lower it down to a 5.5 - 6.5 with vin-ich-gar. Any input? Made the biggest difference having lowered the ph....just thought with distilled you should be good to go straight from the gallon. I guess if you wanna flush.....use distilled?

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