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getting my wisdom teeth out in 2 hours

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by poooops, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. #1 poooops, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
    edit; so, right now my wisdom teeth are out! planning on waiting a few days before i decide to burn anything, and if i do it will be through a method requiring no suction. buuut something i thought i'd ask real quick, could i just smoke through my nose? i can close one of my nostrils off without touching it and the other i can bring down perfectly over a joint, i've done it before and am contemplating it, wuddya think?
  2. People SHOULD follow it, and its for ALL smoke. TRUST ME, its NOT worth the dry socket. If you can't take a 1 week T-break, you don't deserve to smoke that indica lol.

    Just wait or make soft edibles. Maybe green dragon.
  3. Dude, its only 24 hours. Distract yourself. You can do it.

  4. no in my original post i said i wasn't going to smoke afterward for a bit, right now i am asking if i can burn before being put to sleep (paid the little extra) for a bit
  5. I had my wisdom teeth out about a year ago. I didnt smoke for about 48 hours after the procedure because there was still a shit-ton of blood coming out. I would just play it safe with the smoking and pop the vicodin they give you like candy and enjoy that for a day or two. But its your call.

    Are you being put completely out while they do it? I remember having the anethesia mask over my face and trying to count backwards from 100. I got to about 85 I think. Then clunk, out.
  6. I had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was a senior in high school. My parents had lots of insurance so they paid to have me knocked out. They didn't put a mask on my face, I had needles in both arms and all I remember is the doctor saying "here we go!" and I was looking up at the ceiling and it appeared like a vortex opening up in the ceiling and then I was out! When I woke up it was all done. The only downside was having a mouth full of gauze for a few hours.
  7. still, my answer isn't answered
  8. Whats the point of burning right before? You're gonna be high off your ass in an hour or so from the anesthesia then pumped full of painkillers after the procedure is over. Seems like a waste of weed to me.

    But to answer your question, I wouldn't. It might thin your blood or cause some probs during the surgery. But once again, its up to you if you want to risk it.

  9. well, i got 10 grams last night and i figured, hell, i should probably burn a bit of this... and so i did last night. and now i kind of want to play Reach burned before i have to go. but yeah, i understand you. i think i'm going to burn anyways and just let my anesthesiologist know
  10. Dont smoke man. Espically 2 hours before surgery. NO, do not, it aint worth it.
  11. Just smoke if you really want to dude, it's weed, it's not going to affect anything PRE-surgery. Since when has weed interfered with anesthesia or had effects on the body that wouldn't be good. All it will do is calm your nerves about the surgery a little.

    Just use mouthwash before you go.
  12. the doctors told you not to smoke for a reason so listen to them. if im not mistaken smoking before getting put under is very bad and can be very dangerous. i wouldnt be surprised if they cancel your appointment when you tell them you just got high.
  13. took the advice, i'm off. thanks everyone- going to go get my mouth worked on..
  14. Good Luck!

    I smoked like 2-3 days after I got mine out (which wasnt the brightest but I was a little younger) I just stuck some gauze over the wounds and had a couple little rips. You should be good to go! But def wait at least half a week and judge how yur feeling.
  15. Let us know how it goes. And let me know what, if any, kind of pills you get. How many. Send me a PM if you want.
  16. oh man free hydrocodones :D lol nah bro dont smoke, i got a girl to burn a 6 gram joint with me 2 days after surgery once. its not a good idea before or after surgery
  17. #17 poooops, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
    i got Vicodin and motrin i was nervous at first, like most, but once he put the little needle in my arm and the oxygen mask on my face i started counting from 10 and got to nine and thought, wait, start at a hundred. got to 99 and passed out. woke up, my mom drove me home... sitting here.

    yeah, i was burning a good amount last night and it didn't effect my anesthesia. didn't smoke just before going, which was the point of this thread- buuut yeah at least i didn't

    dunno thoughts are a little scrambled right now my mouth is a little numb too huh will have to make a gravity bong. i figure i can use that eventually since there isn't any suction for when i just clear it
  18. Nice. Good call on the not smoking before. Vicodin will be your best friend the next couple of days, trust me. You are probably still so numb right now you dont feel anything, but it will ache real bad pretty soon.

    Also, it sounds gross, but use that water syringe thing they gave you to spray on the holes where your teeth were. This prevents infection and its a pain to do but you will heal a lot faster if you keep the area clean.

    Enjoy the vicodin and get used to eating soup the next couple of days. Good luck!

  19. it was weird, everyone was telling me about getting a syringe to clean up and i never got one. i went to the same place as my sister and she didn't get one last time either. but yeah, i figured it wasn't worth the risk and i just got it done. and yes, i am still extremely numb and i have had general anesthesia before for a tumor and a toe nail and root bed removal once so i know the pain will get me later. well, thanks all.
  20. I remember getting my teeth out... The shit they used to put me out was WILD. The original dose wasn't working at first, so (I think) they upped my dose. It was administered by IV, so it went straight to my head. Never felt so messed up in my life. It felt so good, until it wore off an hour later and I cried in pain for 8 straight hours. :(

    You know that cotton mouth pot gives you? Perfect recipe for dry socket. DO NOT SMOKE AT ALL. You know how pot requires sucking the smoke in to get the smoke in your body? That will just mess all sorts of shit up. If you really want to use it, make some edibles. Even the edibles I would avoid.

    Just consider the next week or two a t-break and reward yourself with a good, powerful strain of dank cannabis when the time is right to start back up (if available).

    Hope your post-operation is going well. Feel better!

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