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Getting legal on Venice Beach, California

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Zilla!, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Are these shops legit? Would I receive a real recommendation that I could use at any dispensary? I want the convenience of a walk in doctor, no appointment needed.

    And no, I'm not a tourist, at least not anymore. I'm headed to the DMV tomorrow to get my license. After I receive my license I wanted to visit a walk-in clinic to receive my recommendation right away, as to help with my insomnia. It really sucks moving to a new place and not being able to get a wink of sleep.

    Also, will having my interim license, and money for fees of course be enough to receive my recommendation?
  2. That doesn't really sound like a medical case.

  3. Insomnia is a medical case....

    But you should make a real appointment op...
  4. Not necessarily if it is short term related to something like moving to a new place or starting a new job. These days that might not fly without some medical records documenting it or prescription meds. It's perfectly normal to have some sleepless nights and anxiety when there's changes in life. Of course down in Venice you could probably just say "because I want a rec" and they'll give it to you as long as you flash some cash.
  5. I've actually been using marijuana for my insomnia for quite some time now. This isn't a new thing. The only thing that's changed is that now i can acquire it legally.
  6. so how did it go? i'll be doing this same relocation in a few weeks. i gather it's dmv first, then take temp id (along with a current prescription bottle treating my condition (anxiety, insomnia)) and then.. that's it, right?
  7. I would suggest that you call up the clinic that you are planning to visit, find out the name of the doctor you will be seeing and run a search on his name!

    If the doctor you see gets his license yanked, you rec may become invalid! If you find any "bad stuff" on the doctor, find another one! But most are just doctors who have "burnt out" and/or just want an easy buck. :cool:

    Be sure you actually talk to the doctor! Some "El Cheapo" clinics got in trouble a while back for having med techs do everything. The patients never saw the doctor at all!

    Frankly, I find it ridiculous that we have to go through this "medical recommendation" business, at all. Cannabis is impossible to fatally overdose on, unlike common aspirin! I can buy several potentially fatal drugs at any drug store or supermarket, but to get the most effective and safest herbal medicine, I have to bribe a doctor! :mad: (I rationalize it as "bust insurance". :cool: )

    Using cannabis, or any herbal medicine, is my natural right as a child of this Earth! :hello:

    Become an activist, and let's make it right! :yay: LEGALIZE IT! :smoke:

    Granny :wave:
  8. venice shops arent legit, and some dispensaries might not accept your rec. insomnia IS a qualifying condition that entitles you to medicinal cannabis, however if i were you go somewhere else.
  9. I'll skip the Venice weed gypsy kiosks or whatever they are. I'm going to be living somewhat downtown I believe, koreatown is what I see on google maps as being the relevant neighborhood.

    I've called a few dispensaries looking for info and they usually weren't too helpful. "just come on down, we'll hook you up" in an impatient disinterested tone. Don't blame them, they're busy enough without my stupid questions I guess.

    Do any of you who are local have a dispensary/doc in that area that you'd recommend? I'd really appreciate if I could find the type of shop where the bud tenders are willing to explain strain effects and not just tell me how awesomely fucked up zooted I'm gonna get off their gear.

    Ideal for me would be a place where I can ask stuff like, "hey I really get uncomfortable paranoid from some batches back home, know anything about thc:cbd ratios so I can have a more mellow uplifting and comfortable experience? Yadayada"

    Or is that sort of customer service more of a NorCal thing? I had heard they're a little more into the nuances of the products up there, if that makes any sense.

    Thanks for the helpful answers
  10. [quote name='"lordmuck"']so how did it go? i'll be doing this same relocation in a few weeks. i gather it's dmv first, then take temp id (along with a current prescription bottle treating my condition (anxiety, insomnia)) and then.. that's it, right?[/quote]

    it went fine, getting it was a breeze. got my temp license from the DMV and immediately went to a walk in/appointment clinic on melrose. which actually wouldn't be too far from you if
    you're going to be living around Korea town. just make sure you also bring a picture id along with your temp.
  11. i was gonna say weedmaps is your friend it gives you doctors and good dispensaries
  12. [quote name='"darellc"']i was gonna say weedmaps is your friend it gives you doctors and good dispensaries[/quote]

    weedmaps is most definitely your friend. been using that since I got here. try multiple dispensaries, check the prices and try the bud

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