Getting kind of big - hoping they finish

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Paulnewtogrowing, Jul 28, 2023.

  1. Been getting a shitload of wind and rain lately which allowed the spread of septoria to 5 of the 6 I have growing - two of em are in serious trouble.

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  2. lovely outside grow ..sorry to hear plant had Septoria ...but they look healthy ,,hope you get a good haul ,,,mac.
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  3. That sucks BIG TIME. I gots to grow me some plants that big.
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  4. Beautiful grow, brother!!
  5. septoria ?? it could well be the position the dip in the ground will mean good supply of water and nutes but impede the wind some, IMO see if you can improve the breeze way to allow the wind to dry the plants out quicker after rain and dew

    check the link Yellow Leaf Spot (Leaf Septoria) & Cannabis - Get Rid of It Quickly!

    nice grow

    good luck
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  6. Move the pots to a drier spot? Hang a tarp over them? Tell it to stop raining?
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  7. Ive been doing all those techniques but the shit spreads fast during windy rainstorms - I do still have to thin a little a few feet from the tops on the big girls to improve airflow but it’s tough getting up there
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