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Getting keef out!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xXGhostKingXx, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. I have 2 (3 piece) grinders that i took the screen out of both of them so it sort of turns the keef tray into the catch piece on a 5 or 4 piece. Well under the bar that held the screen (which is not removable, believe me ive tried everything!!:mad:) there is allooot of good keef that i am dying to smoke. I have heard of using alcohol to wash it out and letting it evaporate hopefully leaving the keef behind?? im hesitant because i know THC is alcohol soluble and dont want to ruin all these lovely brown crystals:confused_2:

    Any ideas? and could someone please explain whether alcohol works or not.
  2. Use some isoprophyl alcohol.
  3. Wash it in a bad of iso and dry the brown iso up and it'll leave behind yer precious kief.
  4. All i currently have on hand is 99% Isopropanol...will this work or will it end up making me go blind or something?

  5. The higher the potency of the alcohol the more effective i would think it would be at evaporating, you know what i mean? Just make sure ALL of the alcohol has evaporated before attempting to smoke. And dont smoke near or around the evaporating iso/kief mixture

  6. alright so i collected all the green alcohol in my keef tray and left it to dry. its just about dry and the entire bottom of the tray is covered in a very thin layer of super sticky would you recommend getting it out? i use it as my catch so i would prefer if my weed wasnt glued to the bottom of my grinder lol. not to mention i wanna smoke it :bongin:hahaha.
  7. hears something that might work for you,
    now as you said thc is soluble in alcohol so if you have some vodka laying around or any other high proof alcohol kickin about you could always mix up some green dragon,
    just soak the grinder in said beverage and then add that alcohol to a jar of sorts with maby abit more kief or well ground bud, let that sit for awhile atleast a week and you should be good to go :D
    by the way i recomend smirnof green apple for this its got a really nice sweet taste that will complement ur herb nicely

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