I went down to Colorado Springs to chill with a female friend, we went up to an overlook to smoke. I had my brand new pipe, she was sitting on the rock wall above the cliff, and I decided to hop up on the wall. Well, I hopped and nearly tripped forward over the cliff, but barely caught my balance in time. Then we smoked.
Well it's pretty sick. I love the mountains, so it's nice to be able to walk down the trail from my house and get a decent view. I'm from Kansas so it's soooooo much better here. Only problem is it's too cold out right now to go out and do some outdoors stuff.
Learned my lesson twice from this. DON'T smoke with first time female smokers. They don't understand how to use a pipe, they think blunts/joints are stinky, they don't like smoke, etc.... Some are cool doe, it's case by case....
Girls tend to annoy the shit outta me when they're high. Acting like damn mentally challenged people most of the time.
I smoked with a female once. I have never smoked with a female since. I had seen her smoke before, so I knew she wasn't new to the game. She took one hit and freaked out. Broke one of my lamps, scared my dog, and when I finally got her in my car to take her home she pissed all over my backseat. Then she called me up the next day like it never happened.
When I get high, I just chill. I don't know what types of girls you smoke with. Most guys I smoke with, I have a crush on though. I'm more of a loner when I smoke so I guess you have to be pretty cool for me to want to smoke with you.
Just weed. Granted, she was the type of girl who bought mids and schwag so she could roll blunts and joints, and I don't do either of those. Glass all day, so I've always been a fan of the dank. Since that experience, I've had another friend who has smoked her up and the same thing happened. So clearly she shouldn't be smoking.
seems like every time i smoke with a girl there's such obvious sexual tension. like girls always get horny, i swear
It all began when my little sister's friends came over. Everything was a typical little girl day of enjoying the outdoors while poolside. That was until one of her friends came into the basement where I smoked my bong and played video games. She sat down on the couch next to me and looked at the bong. "What is that?", she asked. I explained that it was a spiritual device that made the whole world a better place. After I did a bong rip she asked, "So that's like a uh, weed pipe?". Obviously she had never smoked and I offered if she wanted to try it. Let's just say she was the most squirly and giggly out of all the friends.
[quote name='"mitchd"']It all began when my little sister's friends came over. Everything was a typical little girl day of enjoying the outdoors while poolside. That was until one of her friends came into the basement where I smoked my bong and played video games. She sat down on the couch next to me and looked at the bong. "What is that?", she asked. I explained that it was a spiritual device that made the whole world a better place. After I did a bong rip she asked, "So that's like a uh, weed pipe?". Obviously she had never smoked and I offered if she wanted to try it. Let's just say she was the most squirly and giggly out of all the friends.[/quote] Pics or it didnt happen
First time I smoked with one of my ex's. It was her first time and she got really fucking baked in a hotboxed car despite only taking two hits. On the way back to my place this bitch was literally reaching out of the sun roof trying to grab the clouds or some shit, while muttering the most random sentences I've ever heard. Was funny for a minute, then it got annoying. Even her friend who I guess was a regular smoker was getting annoyed haha. Second time we smoked she greened out trying to keep up with me and my buddys, which was a major buzzkill having to take care of her while blazed out of my mind. Ended up only taking a toke or two at a time after that.