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Getting high before class?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by YellowSubmarin3, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. What are your experiences with this? I've never tried it, but I'm in my car right now (iPhone). I just took 5 bong rips and I'm about to walk down to philosophy class. Should be interesting.
  2. I always go to class high but I stopped smoking in the car right before I leave, I always walk so slow and feel so tripped out because its like everyone knows I'm blazed. Get yourself a little piece man, I don't even risk the bubbler in my car anymore at school.
  3. Depends on the class. The dumb classes that are required but have no relevance on your major, go for do you have to lose. I used to get all ripped up before my classical music application class.
  4. lectures being high is pretty shitty. but if your philosophy class is discussion based it should be a good time. i think im gonna get baked and go to my philosophy class today.
  5. it depends on the class..
    the way i approach the subject is:
    if i can afford to go to the class high then i do it.

    if i have a very hands on or discussion class i will say no...
    but if its a lecture.. i couldnt give a fuck its just taking notes right?

    GL brah
  6. Depends on the class for me. With the few gen. ed. classes I have I go high, but ones that I need to pay attention in I don't.
  7. im in college and I go to every class high. I just blazed right now and class is in 30 min
  8. I'm back. It wasn't bad at all. I was able to pay attention for the most part, same as usual. It did make me think about the things we were discussing deeper. I didn't participate at all though, even though I had opinions. Maybe I should have.

    Also, I accidentally coughed all over the head of the girl sitting in front of me because I couldn't cover my mouth in time. My bad, Girl That I Basically Dry Heaved On.

  9. dude, philosophy would be amazing baked.

  10. #10 shevanel, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2009
    I got a little bit higher than I thought before class yesterday (I packed a jesus bowl I swear...after 8 hits or so there was still GREEN!) cause I was geekin pretty bad on the walk up. As I was walking I had to look straight down to my shoes because I was laughing so hard. good time though
  11. This is no shit. Im at UVA, the top public school in the nation and maintain over a 3.0, so take my advice. If you study high, and take a test high you will remember it alot easier. This may not work for everybody but I do it alot. Its hard for me to sit down and study but if i smoke i can do it, to it. Im not saying rip a gb loaded with chronic, but a bowl or two generally sets me up.
  12. This is actually a proven theory. It is due to the way our memory recalls things. a test was done with alcohol and weed. They said if you do one while you are studying you should do the same for the test. They said it may also reply to food, whether you studied on an empty stomach or not. I 'll see if I can find the study, I read it a couple semesters ago in my drug abuse class (I am a social work major)

    I stay high, class or not. I have over 100 credit hours and a 3.6 GPA. For my long 3 hour classes I generally puff on break too.
  13. I took Philosophy last year at college, and I smoked before class every night. It was chill because it was at 10:45 pm, last clas of the day for everyone, and the professor was chill too. I remember one time when we spent the whole class talking about weed, and I was just sitting baked, giggling to myself.
  14. My philosophy class was boring with a professor that talked with a monotone voice. It was a lecture in a huge auditorium so i usually smoked before just to make things more enjoyable.
  15. haha thats sum funny shit going to class rite now baked with a buddy n 3 chicks peace
  16. Philosophy is a great class while being high. This semester I'm taking Ethics and Logic and while the former is a great class to go to stoned, the latter is the worst.
  17. I blaze in the law school parking other way to get through those days

  18. haha what did the girl do?
  19. Classes like Accounting and Calculus always sucked being high in for me, so i never did that. I had one accounting teacher who pretty much ran a stand up comedy show for his lectures, he would just rip on students and tell random stories all the time. I stopped going to his class high because I couldn't help but burst out laughing all the time haha. With math classes, I couldn't pay attention or make sense of what was going on for the life of me.

    However, I love going into my business law class high as fuck this semester. business ethics was another good class to go to baked. The classes that are already very interesting to you will be even more interesting haha.
  20. j's only when at school. why bring a piece? if you get searched you are done. a j u smoke it and thats it no evidence. if a dean or cop comes up to you can eat the j too. as for actually going to class its ok, but nothing special. definitly better to be high when not in class cuz u actually have to pay attention in class if you go to a good school

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