I plan on getting pretty smashed by myself a little later today like around 3pm. I haven't drank in a month and unfortunately I have to work tomorrow morning at 8. Fml. I'll be getting drunk and playing starcraft with all my buddies. Gotta drink tons of water so I'm not hungover for work tomorrow. I heard water and gatorade is a good combo? Anyone else plan on getting wasted?
generally i stick with water and powerade since gatorade is too sugary for me. get some cranberry juice or carrot juice. that helps me
i was being sarcastic.....and yes i would feel shitty...sarcasm doesnt work for some people on the internet
i have been getting drunk everyday since dec 30. I feel great. except for mornings, then i just reach for more alcohol, and everything is sunshine..........please....help..me
Lolol i just dont think sarcasm works when youre reading the words. One has to hear you say "I get drunkeveryday" to understand the sarcasm
Yeah I thought so too. I will work out and drink so much water and gatorade after I'm done drinking too. Eh I might drink 5 instead lol
Wow so I just found out liquor stores aren't open in Oklahoma on Sundays. I fucking hate this stupid ass fucking state. Now I have to drink shitty 3.2% beer from a gas station. Looks like I'm getting a 30 pack
Well, think I drank about 20 beers. Hungover as fuck all day at work. Wish I could find some weed in this fucking town.