I smoke nug everyday and my mom is going to drug test me soon. I would liek to be able to jus tsmoke as much as i want adn no thave to worry about it so I have been looking at was to pass drug test. I don't wan tto have to do substitution becasue it is going to be completely random and i won't have the timing part right( to heat up the pee to the specific temp. and things o fthat nature) I used it once when I got a job but I don't want to have to deal with all of that again. SO I have come to the conclusion that I need an additive. There guick they take no prep and I cna put thme in my moms car so when I go to the lab at any notice what they are right under the seat. Now I have looked and so many additives and hav ecaceled many out becasue of the reviews or research that I ave done. Now it is between two products. CLear choice spike($125) and claer choice instant clean add-it-ive($40). NOw the lab I go to I think I am given an EMIT test so I need it to work right awaqy not like 90 minuts after I put it in the urine. I need to be able to put the additive in the urine and walk out hand i tto the Bladder police and hav ethem tell my mom I am negative for marijuana. In a aobu t5 minutes after I put it in. SO my question to you is which one should and if the spike one i sbett erit is pretty expensive sp does anyone know of a good additive that they have used before that has worekd ass desrcibed abovr and is chaper than 125 ? Thanks for the help, Purple Mr. Nice Guy
tl: dr. But anyways, No one cares that mommy found your tinfoil pipe and dimebag in the back of your ps2. And Btw search button!
Drink bleach immediately beforehand. Seriously, it helped this one guy I know pass a drug test. He drank a half a liter of bleach 20 minutes before the test, and passed with flying colors after having smoked the night before.