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getting crossfaded for the first time

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by footballkid001, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. hey everyone, so i have been toking for a few months now on only on weekends, and hav also been drunk a few times (much less times than i have been stoned) anyway, i have never experienced what my friends call "crossfading" which is where you do both in the same night. I am probably going to do so for the first time tomorrow night, and most of my friends have done it and say it is awesome. Anyway so i am pretty pumped, and i figure as long as i dont overdo it with the alcohol, i should feel amazing, so what do you guys have to say about this? any stories of experiences with it? lol all of my friends say they had good times so yea, lol. And btw we are probably going to be smoking first idk if that effects anything or not they say it doesnt and i dont think it should but none of them have done it more than twice so i would like to get a more expert opinion, haha
  2. I think most people call it getting crunk I've never done it though.
  3. take it easy with the booze. Otherwise you'll get the spins and throw up....and there goes your night..

    other than that you should be fine...ive done it plenty of times. seen plenty of people pass out or throw up.
  4. never have been but around me people call it "twisted"
  5. Its called bein crossfaded here too, its fun but if you drink before you smoke you can smoke alot more because your throat doesnt hurt.. dont get to smashed though..
  6. back in high school big group used to do this that and would call it Pude Ckuf'd (Pootie Cuffed) which is just fucked up backwards.

    And you'll most likely be just that lol:hello:

    But in all seriousness, be aware how much you've smoked and drank, typically when I mix, I try to space it out, just see how I'm feeling, because its real easy to get sick with just one more bowl or beer, when you've been combining all night.

    You'll feel fine, pretty jacked up, then you smoke, and bam, instantly tired, get spins, not a fun time.

    I don't think it matter what you do first, but you will be able to drink more beer if you don't smoke first. At least I always find I can
  7. done it multiple times. dont drink too much and its great
  8. Your best bet is to drink for a while and then when you are at your best stage of being drunk(happy, energetic, etc) smoke a bowl and you should have the best time of your life. I have had some great cross fade experiences, music has never sounded better than when you are at a good cross fade imo.
  9. That is one thing I will never do again. I ended upmon the couch piling all over myself (literally). But I drank first, and I once heard the saying

    Weed before beer, youre in the clear
    Beer before grass, you'll be on your ass
  10. Yeah but there is no better feeling than taking a fat bong rip when your already pretty drunk haha, it somehow makes your tolerance lower and you just get riiipppppeeedddd
  11. Does it really make a difference what you do first? haha once you get drunk you don't feel the effects of pot. maybe if you are a noob smoker it's different... but alcohol takes away the effects of other drugs for me.
  12. #13 mimomontalvo, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    everyones different. but it really depends on your tolerance to alcohol. most people that end up getting really trashed havent really been drinking for long.

    I almost always drink before smoking if im doing both. Never had a problem. I wont drink barely anything besides water if im high first.
  13. Whenever you crossfade you usually get this great synergistic effect that amplifies the high. It also makes it last longer from my experiences. I got twisted at midnight and I was still coming down walking into 1st period.

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